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Everything posted by musicman153

  1. Was it just me or was the forum down for 24hrs or so?
  2. Prayer is good we've also been sending Reiki But right now cash is really helpful so a few bux to the red cross is a helpful thing. My business takes a lot of payments through PayPal, and if you have a PayPal account it's very easy to make a small (or large) donation. Like the old saying "If you have it, please give" When it comes to disaster relief, The Red Cross rocks.
  3. bummer, you cant embed here huh? i guess this will have to do Peace Music
  4. Good post Blackthorn, Honest, objective and heartfelt. For myself as I've said many times "I claim no religion for to claim one is to discount the others" (most likely a good description of what the Buddha had in mind lol) Om Shanti Music
  5. Good Post Himitsuko, While living at Satchidananda Ashram I took Mantra initiation and learned a lot of sanskrit mantra. Very powerful stuff! Sanskrit is an ancient language and has an alphabet consisting of 50 letters which makes mispronounciation difficult (And also hard to translate into english), but pronounciation is everything as its very much about getting the exact vibration. I have some of these posted in my board under the topic Mantra in the yoga section. Swami Sivananda had said that Mantra was the quickest way to change your inner vibration in this day and age. I still do Mantra on a daily basis and also often use it during Reiki. Om Shanti Music
  6. Dont have a bible in front of me but dosent Psalms 1 say something to the effect of " on his law you should meditate night and day"? Om Shanti Music
  7. Dearest rainbow, I think that I made it quite clear when I said Christian "AND" anti everything else. And would suggest plus, the word "and" connects two words or statements. I don't think I labeled Fawzo as anything. As far as Christians are concerned I've met some wonderful Christians, Catholics, Mormons ect. Unfortunantly the majority are taught that God only supoorts their particular branch of even their faith and condems everyone else. It's rather sad that are such poor teachers out there as this is not what they're Guru taught. perhaps they should read they're own book (I have). Dont want to get into an argument with you at all and my intention in the first place was to clarify what was meant by "The Divine Plan" and who this plan includes which I think we were well past. So Revrainbow If you would like to discuss theology, comparative religions, or what the bible actually says compared to what is taught I'd love to do that in a civilized manner and perhaps in a different post. Peaceb2u
  8. Even though I pratice reiki I would neither tell someone not to see a doctor nor interfere with his work. for example I'm careful not to send reiki to someone while undergoing an operation even thogh Reiki energy will only go where its needed. I also make sure people understand that I am not a doctor and do "not" practice medicine. Alternative medicine or healing technics often pick up where medicine leaves off such as with illnesses where the doctors say its terminal or cannot diagnos. we've actually had great sucsess. and sometimes yes, someones just ready to move on. peace
  9. Fawzo, good post mon, I apologize for assuming that you were Christian and anti-everyone else lol although I've run into a lot of that. Just your talk of interfereing with the divne plan (if there is such a thing) made it sound as if the divine plan did not include those who practice alternative healing technics. Doses the divine plan include doctors? "The divine, in my mind, wants a pleasant existence for man,.." .I have to agre with fawzo on this. if the divine plan was for everyone to be happy. it'd be a utopian world! Theres Yin And Yang, good bad pain and Joy. We'd not know Joy without pain. And yes theres also Karma. We get what we play for in this life or the next (I'm talking physical lives). why do bad things happen to good people? perhaps they owe a karmic dept from a precvious birth. who knows Heard a quote the other day "If we understood God, He'd no longer be God" LOL Om Shanti
  10. Fawzo, In some ways I do agree with you (this is where the wise part comes in ). My favorite qoute is "The universe is perfect" Timothy Leary. Nothing happens by accident, everything effects everythng else. We send healing energy, We do prosperity ...Spells ect. perhaps in the divine scheme we were meant to be there to do that. Christ healed and many Hindu saints have healed. Oh but this may be the hard part for you. God or Gods or goddess (He she it whatever) is not exclusive to Christians. keep an open mind here. If all is a part a part of Gods creation then of course all things would be under God. Again everything effects everything. If a person commits suicide it changes the lives of those around them. Ten yrs down the road who knows if these peoples lives would be better or worse? Becoming a energy worker or light worker is very much about going with the flow of energy as you align yourself with such. nothing happens by accident. If you meet someone who finds that you practice Reiki and has been wanting to try it, is it a coincedence? I think the whole point is that the divine plan includes everyone, every religion, every nation and this is where you are being a bit short sighted. Not trying to be offensive just objective. Peace Music
  11. Interesting topic, I've done a lot of ritual with a lot of groups (Wiccan, celtic, Druid ect) and solitary work. I do a lot of strange thigns though, like lived at an Ashram for ten mnths, go to a local buddhist temple and meditate with the monks. I dont think I'd have an opinion to share here without a bit of experience. In any case "Magick" IMHO has to do with the manipulation of energy. Such as with Reiki we're directing energy (yes I also practice Reiki). So that being said, how can you work with energy if your thoughts are so scattered that you cannot focus that energy let alone have any concept of how, where, and why? The only way that I know to build the kind of focus it takes to get real results is through a regular meditation practice. The best rituals I've participated in were with people who were regular meditators. And then its not as magickal as it is scientific. Just as the electric light would seem like Magick to someone from the year 1300AD the science of Magick is not so miraculous to one who is trained in the science. I've had experiences with those who feel that if they do the right things ie: cast a circle, call the quarters, say the right words ect that they should get results. If it were that easy everyone would be walking around zapping everyone who made them mad and so on. Anything good takes work. And again yes the laws of karma still apply. You get what you give! I heard a man once say "the basis of all spirituality is thinking of others before yourself". You can direct all that energy into selfish desires, BUT nothing in this world (or other worlds) is free. Theres a price to be paid. Personally I've found that the happiest times in my life were when I was making others happy. As you learn magick you learn spiritual lessons as well if you've a good teacher. hopeing I'm not totally off topic Om Shanti Music
  12. Saw a qoute by a monk who said prehaps instead of reacting with anger and hatred we should ask ourselves "what did we do to make these people so angry with us". The reaction to this statement was as if they did not undrerstand how he could possibly even suggest that there may be some motive to such a horrific act. In an article last wek in Newsweek magazine on the history of Iran they told of how Iran had a democratic government in the 1950's and Britan controled Irans oil and was basicaly taking it for practicly nothing. Well the president of Iran was appealling for control of their own natural resourses so he could bring his people out of poverty. Britan then appealled to the CIA asking them to get this man out of there. well the CIA managed to have this man Imprisoned for a time and then exiled replacing him with a dictator who was brutal. I wonder how much more influence from the west has affected this area of the world. While I am certainly not condoning the actions on 9/11 I do know that anger and hatred cannot be overcome with more anger and hatred. Anger and hatred can only be overcome with love and understanding. Understanding the part we play in the lives of peoples we as individulals never seee or think about could be key to our own healing. Taking a look at ones self could well be the most difficult thing a human being ever does. taking responibilty for mistakes is humbling but is it fair to label a people as a whole country or continent of religious fanatics and hateful people without being willing to look at the part our own history has played in bringing about events that led up to such extraordinary acts of hatred? Food for thought