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About DoctorIscariot

  • Birthday 03/26/1985

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  • Location
    Green Bay, WI

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    Freedom, Life, Liberty, Happiness, Philosophy, politics, debate, gonzo journalism, literature, education, music, driving, typewriters, print media, Eudcation, Fun!
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    Writer and Laborer

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  1. After reading all of this and from my own experience with being a ulc minister sincer 2007 (reaffirmed for official record -at- the OG HQin march of this year) I have to say that, A) all ULC's, original, sanctioned, legitimate, nefarious, scandalous, ect. Have the reputation as being BS. I use my title of Reverend, in it's abbreviated form, in my email. Several people have asked if I was a reverend and I of course say yes. My ministry is small, mostly personal, though it subtley impacts those closest to me in not always obvious ways... I have yet to perform a wedding our any ritual for another of any faith. However, being young and nontraditionally ordained isn't a detractor, unless folks find out it was on line where I applied for and received ordination. My mom's 2nd husband frames as a hobby. He's framing some of my ulc certificates like my credentials, DD degree, Amy's Honorary B.Div and my title which I received just after reordination. He has framed one but scoff because "he knows how I am about religion" based on my rebelious teen years of atheism and satanisn and a distance from catholic teachings on which I was raised. I am also an member of a local political party. The membership chair recalled me early on as a "fake" reverend. Also, many times whenyou hear about celebrities recently ordained by ULC to perform marriages, i've see they gravitate towards the monastery's ULC whivh any of us understand the humor in that when intelligent comics get ordained through a legally questionable source that publically share's a name with the church. However.... no matter when you were ordained, so long as you weren't just fishing for a legal title for ego boosting, there is nothing fake about it. If there is no profit and it meets majority legal standards while spiritually fulfilling. My stepdad may be curious, or even offended by my honorary degrees and official title (honorary and bestowed for merit/experience) but no one balked when I bestowed upon my grandmother her saintly praise through the ulc. The party membership chair may remember the "fake reverend, but my account at least says wedding officiant, recognizing my power as a reverend of anykind. So even those who question still recognize something. Many will look at any non traditional ordination funny, but few will look into the core beliefs of the members and ministers. So while many ULC's aren't us,they are because we are too misunderstood to be defended, but too formidable to be usurped or overrun.
  2. traveling through God's country soon... westward Ho!

  3. all of the best lies are true

  4. Ever notice when the Earth's energy shifts?

  5. Welcome to our growing family of friends here on the forum. We're glad you could joins us! As you feel the need, join us in the discussions and let us know a bit about yourself. It's always a pleasure getting to know new folks. Blessings of Peace, Al