Ex Nihilo

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Everything posted by Ex Nihilo

  1. "For those who believe, no proof is necessary. For those who don't believe, no proof is possible."
  2. Witness testimony is the primary means of proof used in a court of law. The bible, the lives of the saints and martyrs, tythe aggregate testimony of billions of Christians over 2000 years is powerful, powerful proof, and of course my own testimony helps.
  3. I hope the competition from the Salvation Army santas won't squeeze you out... I hear they can be pretty cut-throat...they might try to ring your bell (oh yes, I went there)
  4. My wife and I grew up together, we played together in elementary school, hated each other in middle school, became friends and then sweethearts in high school, and married shortly after. The key for us has always been friendship. If, God forbid, we ever divorce, it won't be the lost marriage but the lost friendship that I'll mourn. There's never been a day I wanted to spend with anyone but her. PS: it also helps to bring home flowers and gifts for her just 'cuz, tell her you love her and why you love her everyday, oh and always ALWAYS put down the lid...She deserves it.
  5. Isn't it convenient that history is written by those with hands to hold pencils...
  6. I'm with you Steve, all that science stuff is bunk. Ever since they said that triceratops wasn't real and Pluto wasn't a planet, I've been on to their scam. I'm back to believing in elfshot and a flat earth.
  7. This article only feeds into worst stereotypes of the rattlesnake community. We've made great strides in the march for equality and recognition for rattler kind....which is extremely hard to do considering we have no legs!
  8. Here's one of my favorite hymns to mother mary (excluding the beatles): Ya gotta love Beth Nielson Chapman!
  9. Ahh...the great Richard Hooker, doctor of the Church of England, wisest of all is the man who knows the limits of his wisdom. "Dangerous it were for the feeble brain of man to wade too far into the doings of the Most High; whom although to know be life, and joy to make mention of his name, yet our soundest knowledge is to know that we know him not as indeed he is, neither can know him; and our safest eloquence concerning him is our silence, when we confess without confession that his glory is inexplicable, his greatness above our capacity and reach."
  10. This is a drawing I did today while drawing with my daughter. Not my best work but I thought I'd share. I'm toying with the title being: "Socialist Bogeyman". Notice his white, straight teeth and healthy glow, which comes from ample access to adequate dental care and preventative healthcare....very scary indeed. Also, now that I finally understand how to post pics to replies...here is the pic of ST.EOM from above:
  11. Hey Leo, why not start a temple? I think that'd be a really cool thing. I bet you'd get quite a bit of interest if you started public practice...I know I'd want to at least check it out.
  12. I always say the right thing...it's just that the wrong ears hear it

  13. I have one too, in the trunk of my car. Any Neitzcheians out there with shovels wanna help me bury him?
  14. That may well be true Koki, but certainly you can recognize that "negligent" is a bit harsh, since it denotes carelessness or unreasonableness on your part. Many situations, like the one you describe (and I'm assuming you mean a deadly threat), do not allow appropriate time for creativity in finding the least violent means to detain an aggressor and a balancing of interests of all parties involved. When someone poses an immediate, deadly threat to yourself or others, it would be careless and unreasonable, ie negligent, to simply allow it to happen because you don't want to kill. Self defense and defense of others is a justifiable and, in some cases, heroic act even if someone loses his life.
  15. I got a New Age-itude!

  16. Hi Newt! Great topic. My dad let me buy a book on astral projection back when I was in middle school. I tried it. I think I had this idea that I'd be able to astral project myself into the girls' locker room...ahh young hormones...I tried to follow the instructions and found that my dreams became incredibly vivid at night. But I think I stopped because one of the experiences was not good, not sure if I actually did it or if I was just dreaming it all. I'd love to try it again though.
  17. Errr...I think libertarianism is just the modern term for liberalism in the classical sense...I think I first learned that from listening to a Ron Paul speech. And just about every radio talk show host I hear rails against Pauls social liberalism.
  18. I have a nephew with CP and, like the boy in the video below, was told he'd never walk. Even though the rest of the family was distraught, my wife refused to believe the prognosis. She and I went to his house everyday for several months and we worked with him till he began to walk on his own. My wife wouldn't give up. She knew he could do more than he was being given credit for. She's amazing like that. This story (below) also shows how much the power of love can do. Pray for those with CP and pray for their families. Great things can always happen when there's love: http://www.witn.com/news/military/headlines/Boy_With_Cerebral_Palsy_Walks_Into_The_Arms_Of_Dad_Returning_From_Afghanistan_138365199.html
  19. I had an aunt who took a trip to Isreal with her "unsaved" brother, while there he was overcome by the spirit of the land and committed himself to christ. He was baptised in the Jordan River and got to see the empty tomb. He was the happiest he had ever been. Within a few days of coming home, he passed away. The last words he spoke to my aunt was how he had no fear of death, he finally knew where he was headed and was happy to go there. She said Isreal saved her brother.