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Everything posted by revtimothybland

  1. I'm working poor and can't get assistance, she's working poor who can't get assistance, and I know a lot of people who are working poor who can't get assistance, and yet, you STILL claim that the majority of people getting governmental help are working poor? Yes, my experience is just one of many data points in the whole shebang, but to read the other points as you do is just a little naive. Admittedly, I may be a touch cynical in the whole thing, but after looking at not only the previously provided links on this thread, but also my own research, I cannot believe as you do. We need Welfare Reforms.
  2. Actually, in my experience, it's the opposite. My own aunt is working poor, and CANNOT GET THE HELP SHE NEEDS. When she was a lazy little piece of "black sheep" of my family, she had all the help she wanted. And that's just one example, I can name at least 9 out of every 10 individuals not only in my own home town, but also in other places I've lived, like Panama City, Florida.
  3. Songster, I think you're being too hard on Assassin. Some people think I make good money, because I can afford a cable/internet bill, plus a car payment, plus $90 per month for the smart phones my wife and I got through Straight Talk. But the fact is, I barely make above min wage. And most of it goes to company insurance, so I never see a dime of that money because it's taken out of my paychecks. I COULDN'T afford anything if it weren't for the fact that my wife's Social Security/Disability was finally approved, and we have two roommates that are working and put half their repective paychecks toward our bills as well. Could we use a little extra help? Yes. Will we get it? No. Some may argue that we already get it with my wife's Disability, but they keep trying to screw us over on that front as well, so, no, that's not really help. I have a solution to that. Cut Congress's paychecks. They are already some rich mo fo's, they don't need any more dough. Cut those paychecks and apply them DIRECTLY to the National Debt. It'll cover a little more then just the interest on it, and it'll free up that $400 Billion to be put where it needs to be. But, of course, they won't do that. They're too ensconced int the Temple of the Almighty Dollar.
  4. If you're "confronted with charitable solicitations" then you yourself don't think very highly of them at all, which is what kokigami was trying to say. However, if you are "presented with charitable opportunities" then you DO think very highly of their needs, which is what you claim you were trying to present. Interpretation being what it is..... Our interpretations become even more skewed when you describe someone begging for change as "alcoholic pretending to be homeless." Our homeless population is huge in this country. I work with the homeless all the time, and do you know how many are faking being homeless? None. Some may have a home, are down on their luck, and come in for a meal, but they don't claim to be homeless. You seem to think, as your posts indicate, that everyone's faking it. Now, I agree that we as a people need to help each other out, and that SOME people do take advantage of that instead of paying it forward as they should. That means we need welfare reforms.
  5. Do you know any Muslims personally, Youch? While I was in Iraq, I knew many who were opposed to Jihad. I come home, and found friends among the Muslim community, I found almost all opposed to Jihad. The problem in the Middle East stems from the fact that Jihadists, while a minority in the area, rule with an iron fist, and people are scared. Of course they're not going to show disapproval; they're too scared of the Jihadists. You ask me to "get over myself," but how can I do that when what I was saying has actual proof that I've seen? You say it's "tacit approval," but people do stupid things, like not doing anything at all, when they're scared. Why do you feel the need to insult me because you disagree? And keep insulting me when I fight back? Do I remind you of someone who hurt you in the past? If so, I'll say to you exactly what you said to me: "Oh, get over yourself!!!"
  6. No, it wasn't, and the Muslims I know personally who live in my home town HAVE DENOUNCED WHAT TERRORISTS DO IN THE NAME OF ALLAH. Shame on you, Youch, for making an assumption about me that no one else made.
  7. That seems to be an issue. My wife stands up for herself and me, then Youch makes very insulting statements, then some applauds HIM for standing up for HIMSELF? Anyone who reads the above posts and has a heart will see that, while my wife MAY have provoked Youch, she did so only AFTER his apparent insults, so really, EVERYONE is wrong here, and no one is seeing it. Can't we all just get over ourselves and have a nice, happy discussion? (Myself included)
  8. Most Muslims are very peaceful, and wouldn't harm anyone. However, a few bad eggs have left a sour taste in the rest of the world's mouth about them and their religion. What few realize is that Christians, during the Crusades, were responsible for just as many atrocities as some Muslims are today, but not all Christians are bad, so why would we lump all Muslims in with terrorists? Lack of understanding. Just as Von said.
  9. That's difficult. One the one hand, Brother Kaman is right; though religions have inspired some of our most beautiful art, it hasn't really stirred society to that same greatness. The question at hand, really, is whether or not individuals are improved by religion, and yes, they are. For the most part. And if our politicians were improved by religion, then our society would improve as well, but they're not. So, society CAN be improved by religion, but it WON'T be until we can stop using it as an excuse to hurt one another.
  10. As a veteran of the US Army myself, I'd like to say: To us, and to those like us. Damn few left.
  11. Impotent Rage. When I get angry, I do something productive in an attempt to make the wrong thing(s) that made me mad right again. In that way, I can control my anger, and stay calm. However, there are a LOT of things that I cannot do anything about. Political issues. Morons who cut me off on the highway and laugh about it. (Before you ask, they almost cliped me and I could see clear as day into the driver's side, pracitcally counting the idiot's freckles, so, yeah, I saw him pointing at me and laughing.) These are things I CAN'T do anything about, and it tends to make my hackles rise to a point where it's no wonder I'm 27 years old and have a pacemaker. On the plus side, I DON'T take it out on my wife and son, nor do I become violent. So, I've been able to control my anger. But that "Impotent Rage" is still there.
  12. Songster, You miss the point that there were MORE slaves in the NORTH then in the SOUTH, and the Emancipation Proclaimation only freed those in the SOUTH. Slavery was only PART of the issues, not the whole thing. In short, you are as WRONG! as you've decided to call my wife. They did hype up the slavery issue AFTER the war ended. After all, history, victors, etc.
  13. Providing for the common defense and securing the blessings of liberty for ourselves and our posterity is NOT waging war. It is PREPARING for war, should anything threaten us. Yes, this does mean, occassionally, having to actually wage war, but that is not the ultimate goal.
  14. Pan, I cannot argue with you on any particular point there. Mostly because I agree.
  15. I agree with Koki's last two posts.
  16. Yes, Mererdog, your assessment of my actions are off-base, as are Lordie's. That's why I stopped trying to help and ENDED THE CONVERSATION. And I will continue to assume someone is uneducated if that's how they write, because it's NOT the same as assuming someone's a thief just because they're black. I would never assume someone is a thief because of skin color, and you should be ashamed of yourself for playing the race card just like every other scared sheeple American instead of thinking for yourself. Writting style can be an indication of education, but skin color does NOT indicate whatsoever one's propensity for theft. And of COURSE communication is cooperative. That's why grammar and punctuation and all those other rules we are taught in school exists, so we don't have a Tower of Babel situation. And Lordie, where are YOU buying iPhone for $50? The lowest I've ever seen ANY iPhone is $450 FROM STRAIGHT TALK. There are cheaper phones that one could get ahold of that don't dig into one's Welfare check, if that's what they use. I agree that we as a people shouldn't just assume someone with an iPhone and Welfare is scamming the system. But you got to admit, it looks very suspicious....... PS, thanks, Lordie, for using "witch" in a sarcastic and derogatory manner, no one has done that to you, so I'd appreciate you not do that to MY WIFE.
  17. So, it's ok to write something barely intelligible, then get mad when people say they have a hard time reading it? If Lordie wants to be understood, Lordie needs to write so that Lordie can BE understood. Otherwise, Lordie comes off as uneducated. If Lordie is as educated as Lordie claims, why can't Lordie understand that? Becasue Lordie sees enemies and hatred wherever Lordie goes. I'm done. Lordie can go on being Lordie. I just refuse to give credence to unintelligent writting anymore.
  18. There may BE some picking there. NOW. I'm just tired of Lordie turning what STARTED as constructive criticism into a diatribe about bullying. I've been bullied. I've stood up to bullies. There was no bullying. Only a disagreement, and an inability of all sides to see one another's points of view.
  19. That's exactly what I'm talking about, You are stuck on your point of view that you cannot see the others for what they are (constructive criticism), instead, you see them for what you WANT to see them (enemies who pick on and bully you). You are obviously not more adult than me, nor are you over your past. Our past, and our state of mind about them, colors everything we do today. Since you see enemies everywhere, it's obvious to me that you are NOT over it. You need help. Get it.
  21. Lordie, I've tried, and others have tried to get you to understand that you are not acting like an adult. And what gets me, is that no one here has been hypocritical to you, yet you have the nerve to call RabbiO a hypocrite. (Notice the spelling of that word) You are having a pity party. Everyone is against you because YOU say they are, and since we are the architects of our own reality, we DO end up opposed to you because YOU fail to see reason. NO ONE is BULLYING you. YOU just CANNOT TAKE CRITICISM. Just because YOU CANNOT TAKE CRITICISM doesn't mean that we have to stand around being BULLIED BY YOU. You can argue with that all you want, but it doesn't change the truth. The difference between standing up for yourself and being an idiot? When you begin to stop listening to what others are actually saying/typing and you begin to see only enemies. You obviously haven't gotten over your past, and you should seek serious psychological help. Get off your arrogant high horse. Type something we don't have to strain to read for a few minutes to properly undestand.
  22. That, Brother Kaman, I cannot argue with.
  23. Lordie, to be fair, my wife grew up in southern Alabama. She absolutely abhors bad grammar, having been around it all her life then hearing intelligent speech right here in Texas. She's not here right now, but I'm sure she'd be willing to accept your explainations, even if she doesn't fully understand them. We all have our flaws. We can all be a touch judgemental sometimes, even if we normally try not to be. I've had issues with your writting style, mostly due to the fact that I'm trying to write short stories and novels. I never said anything because I was unsure. As weird as it is, it seems coherent. My wife can be a little impatient sometimes. And Atwater, thanks for that. I've always been pretty proud of my find. Never thought I'd meet someone like her. I was already a Wiccan before I met her, but she showed me a few things about my relgion I didn't realize. Really re-affirmed my faith.
  24. On a lighter note, I had left this page up this morning because I wasn't done reading it all before I had to go to work. My wife saw it, read it, and the above is the result. While I don't agree 100% with her assessments above, I can say that I believe that she has been very blunt and honest, and I would like to appologize if it upsets anyone, but it is her opinion, nothing more.