I have often contemplated the design of the universe and wondered if it is random and chaotic, if there is some divine purpose that cannot be known, or if, perhaps even a combination of all three could be involved in its creation. One thing I do believe, is that conscious awareness came about through a process of evolution, just as life came about through evolution. I believe conscious evolution began when the atom was split into dual polarities. The first inkling of awareness was the awareness of opposites experienced by the two poles. Awareness is exhibited throughout creation, experienced on different levels in proportion with a particles evolutionary progress. I see no evidence of a universal intelligence. I see chaotic creation which often brings about beauty, but that also ultimately and eventually destroys everything it created while simultaneously also creating more and more. Energy is constantly creating through vibrating frequencies, but I do not believe energy itself is conscious of what is is creating, nor do I believe it is creating from intelligence. It creates because that is its natural condition, but it did not design, plan or construct the universe, whose source is perpetually fluctuating energy waves. I believe we create the idea of an omnipotent creator, and that we imagine a higher intelligence as the architect of creation and that it is through the vibrations of our ideas that these theories seem to take on solid, factual existence, but these ideas are actually illusions. Our world is subjective to our individual interpretation of it. We believe what we want to believe and through our belief it is real. Beyond this, beyond our individual illusions of reality, I believe there is no reality and our existence as we know it will cease to be as soon as we cease to believe in it.