reverend irma

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Everything posted by reverend irma

  1. Your belief suggests that everything was created for a reason and that there is a plan and a destiny which we are to fulfill. I understand this but have not yet experienced this to be true. Many times I speak of our destiny, in my opinion, our destiny is to become the physical example of God. But there are very few people I know who actually do this, (emulate God, or Christ), so when I speak of destiny in this way I mean it theoretically. When I look at the world as it actually is, I see not point to it at all. I see random, incessant creation and random, incessant destruction going round and round in cyclic existence. We try to make sense of it, and we try to give it a purpose, because we need a reason for the madness. but I fail to see any evidence that a higher consciousness planned this. It's too insipid. If this were the begining of the world, I might agree with you, but the madness has been going on since the beginning of time and it has been unrelenting despite the teachings of hundreds, maybe thousands of visionaries that have come to show us a better way.
  2. Yes, quantum physics is applied.(My favorite subject matter along with Metaphysics). The concept I describe is difficult to comprehend because our brains are limited in understanding of anything beyond programmed data. When we come into the human vessel as energy, our frequency charges our cellular matter igniting the beating of our heart, the respiration of our lungs and the nervous system in our brain The brain, once activated, takes control of all the operations of of the vessel, filtering massive amounts of data it receives from its environment. This process is the beginings of the brains programming to understanding physical existence. All the stimuli that we encounter throughout our lives is reference through the brain according to what it learns. It identifies each new sensation or object based on prior knowledge or based on external programming, i.e. what it is taught to believe. Once the brain develops enough to begin independant thinking, imagination arises and the brain begins to wander to places that it has no physical reference for. Still, because we can experience day dreams and fantasy in our minds, our brain accepts this as a pseudo-reality. Any concept, idea, image or form that does not fit into what the brain knows or has imagined, becomes alien to it and the brain reacts as if this foreign stimulus was a threat to its survival. Our brain can only comprehend what we already know to be true based apon programming. To understand a concept, idea, image or object that is beyond the programming of our brain, we need to access higher knowledge. (Not an easy task for those who are resistant to the existence of higher knowledge). Higher knowledge is located within the spirit mind. The spirit mind is the conscious knowledge of the universe that has been aquired during millions of years of living experience as infinite possibilities from the atom to the man. IMHO
  3. I do not doubt this, however, did these conscious beings exist prior to the human existence, or is this feild of consciousness the evolutionary consciousness of those who have lived and died? If our thoughts and feelings are imbedded in our energy feild, they must also be with us when we join source energy, thus the creation of a conscious feild. The purity of the feild is explained by the cleansing that occurs in the tunnel of light when we first see the reflection of source energy, which in effect is actually our own true self which we are not familiar with. All negative components are redistributed back to the physical plane. This is the reason for all the negative energy here, on earth. In my model, consciousness arose from the creation of particles. The first inklings of consciousness occured when the first particle reacted to its environment and all other particles. This was not a thought reaction, but a sense reaction. I do not believe intelligent consciousness arose until sentient life was born and particle consciousness gained sight, hearing, smell and taste. Prior to this, sense consciousness was merely awareness of duality: light and dark, hot and cold, dry and wet, solid and liquid.
  4. I have often contemplated the design of the universe and wondered if it is random and chaotic, if there is some divine purpose that cannot be known, or if, perhaps even a combination of all three could be involved in its creation. One thing I do believe, is that conscious awareness came about through a process of evolution, just as life came about through evolution. I believe conscious evolution began when the atom was split into dual polarities. The first inkling of awareness was the awareness of opposites experienced by the two poles. Awareness is exhibited throughout creation, experienced on different levels in proportion with a particles evolutionary progress. I see no evidence of a universal intelligence. I see chaotic creation which often brings about beauty, but that also ultimately and eventually destroys everything it created while simultaneously also creating more and more. Energy is constantly creating through vibrating frequencies, but I do not believe energy itself is conscious of what is is creating, nor do I believe it is creating from intelligence. It creates because that is its natural condition, but it did not design, plan or construct the universe, whose source is perpetually fluctuating energy waves. I believe we create the idea of an omnipotent creator, and that we imagine a higher intelligence as the architect of creation and that it is through the vibrations of our ideas that these theories seem to take on solid, factual existence, but these ideas are actually illusions. Our world is subjective to our individual interpretation of it. We believe what we want to believe and through our belief it is real. Beyond this, beyond our individual illusions of reality, I believe there is no reality and our existence as we know it will cease to be as soon as we cease to believe in it.
  5. I have a question I have wanted an answer to for a long time. Maybe someone here can help as long as the topic is about clothes. What is up with the pants at the knees fad? I live in a gang neighborhood and the brothers like to wear their pants below their hips exposing their under shorts. They think its cool but it looks ridiculous to me. Does anyone know what message they are trying to send? (Eat my shorts????)
  6. For the heart that is wounded, yet unaware of the fight For the warrior spirit that brings the dawn to the night, In absence of wings we stumble along and sing sometimes loudly, our own spirit song Clashing like thunder and hurting like rain weilding the lightning as our ball and chain which tethers our spirit to the earthly scourge, while we go unconscious to what it is for, With steadfast pace we move up the hill, to battle onward for health or for ill Our message to be heard, our name to be known and yet in the end, we lie under stone. All that we know will soon pass away, the gallant and cowardly, the prince and the maid And what really comes of the battle of right If no one is left when the dark turns to light.
  7. I am MY God. I am here to experience my physical potential. I am here to experience the infinite creations I have made. To touch the wood, taste the fruit, smell the flower and admire the beauty. I am here to remember and to know, I am God. I am here to realize my creation of self in all my physical glory. I am here. I AM. There is no limit to what I will achieve because I have created it all and as I cast my attention on the things which I desire, these things come to me by sheer will of divine thought, for I have made them and they are mine. <BR style="mso-special-character: line-break">Every word and deed is an expression of God's love and as I honor the Divine within, I give living expression to God, in emulation of His love and my service to the world.
  8. I am not of this body that suffers The body is only a vessel designed to serve me on my physical journey As I cast my spirit mind to the source of my pain, I imagine I am liberating each cell from the confines of a toxic prison. I release all the negative energy that has caused such damage to my body And I draw in the healing light of love and forgiveness which restores me to health.
  9. I cannot be angry for anger is counterproductive to my spiritual growth. Anger is toxic and can be all consuming if I do not set my spirit mind to guard against it. I choose forgiveness rather than anger, for in forgiveness I will show my humility and love of Christ And in my emulation of Him, I will further the evolution of my spirit And hasten my reunion with God
  10. I am eternal My true nature is not of flesh but of spirit, not of matter but of energy which cannot be destroyed. I am immortal. Though the body remains behind, I journey onward, Made pure by the transcension of form. I will be with you and you with me for we are bonded in spirit and share the imprint of one soul, Immortal and Eternal Now and Forever -Reverend Irma Carew
  11. I am not of this mortal world. The body I live in and the situations in my life are temporary and fleeting. Each trial is a test of my spiritual fortitude I have but to stay the course and weather each storm and I will evolve from each experience Evermore aware, Ever more enlightened Evermore in step with God -Reverend Irma Carew
  12. Hi. Just wanted to say that is a beautiful pic you posted.

  13. Waiting for the blizzard of 2010 predicted to start today.

  14. Thank Goodness Christmas is over. Now back to "normal life."

  15. The hokey pokey of christmas

  16. Seeking enlightenment in things I don't understand

  17. That was beautifully poignant. Do you have a name for it? I would call it The cycle of despair.
  18. Trying to do the best I can and get away with it

  19. I had a music ministry for 27 years prior to being ordained. I have always been spiritual and it felt right to sign up. I am pleased and proud of my ordination. I have a virtual ministry online (no members, its really just a place for me to go and meditate). Eventually, I would like to set up a spiritual center for education and quiet reflection. I do self-study in spirituality and console/advise/counsel those who come to me.
  20. What a lovely thought. Greetings, Rev. Matthew.

  21. Thank you for your post,emalpaiz. It is nice to meet you.