reverend irma

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Everything posted by reverend irma

  1. Okay, I did some research and this is what I found. What I proposed is that only one thing was in existence, Energy. The one casual item in my theory is the fact that energy works alone and happens by chance. Energy has the ability to act on its own without the help or accompaniment of another force or aide. Vibration is the natural state of energy for vibration is a wave of shaking, quivering, fluctuation, pulsing, reverberating motion caused by a force of power. Electrical phenomena does not need another primordial force to exist. When I speak of energy I speak of the electric currents in the universe. Electricity is made up of subatomic particles composed of nucleons and atoms. These are what determines the electromagnetic interactions in energy. The movement or flow of these electrically charged particles is what is vibrating. This vibrating energy influences all other particles that come in contact with it. I don't believe that Electrical phenomena could recognize what is was, nor do I feel that it could have any awareness of "its own" or the ability to rebel; "I am." Energy is power, it cannot comprehend, therefore it cannot be aware of its own existence, sensations, thoughts, or surroundings. In order to comprehend there must be a mind. To have a mind, there must be a brain so it can process, formulate, think, perceive, judge, grasp and understand. Energy does not have a brain. There is no center of thought or central nervous system displayed in energy. To explain my theory I will start by saying many of the particles that are found in all living things came from the energy of the stars. A star is a massive, self luminous ball of plasma held together by gravity. The sun is considered a star. The sun is also the Earths largest energy source. When thinking of energy and how life came into being, we can use Einstein's famous equation mass in to energy: E=mc2. In the beginning of creation subatomic particles assembled into atoms creating Hydrogen atoms which then vibrated into clumps under the force of gravity. Once these clumps attached to each other and grew in size, the rapid speed of their vibration started a nuclear fusion which heated to such an extent that helium formed and began releasing large amounts of light into the sky; this light is now called a star. A star glows because the fusing atoms are releasing energy and creating iron. As a star gets hotter in temperature, the heavier elements like carbon and oxygen are formed. As a star ages, it then fuses the helium with hydrogen to form lithium. Once a star has created enough iron it will burst inward with enough energy to immediately fuse some of the atoms into higher elements like Nickel, Krypton, Gold, Uranium. This quick and violent implosion releases an enormous amount of energy called a supernova. The exploded remains from a supernova travel throughout the universe only to someday clump together with other stardust and give birth to a new star. This is the life of our universe: one energy source vibrates into another energy source until new life is formed. It is said that besides water, about 93% of the mass in a human body is stardust. water, H20, whose molecule structure contains one part oxygen and two hydrogen atoms, is the most abundant compound on Earth's surface, covering about 70% of the planet's surface. This info came from the book, Cosmos: By Author Carl Sagan. Physics of the Human Body (Biological and Medical Physics, Biomedical Engineering) By Author Irving P. Herman Made from Stardust: Exploring the Place of Human Beings within Creation. By Author Denis Edwards., P.S. This energy is what I refer to as Source Energy, IMO this is God, The unconscious creator of life.
  2. I would have to concur with the yes and no theory. As someone with PTSD, I have periodic bouts of high anxiety and chronic depression which produce hellish nightmares where I actually witness gruesome murders. bodies mutilated and dumped in trash can kind of stuff. YUCK! It is completely terrifying. They are so graphic and "real" I have even wondered if I was having visions of actual events. I seem to be able to manage such dreams on the meds I'm taking though. I also believe that having alot of negative emotion bottled up in me was a contributing factor. (I tend to hold on to grievances, rather than expressing them and letting them go). If it weren't for the meds, I would surely be writing this from the Arkham Asylum. YEEHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH. I know what you mean about having bad thoughts, Fawzo. I have been plagued with those too and wondered if I were under the possession of some demon. Luckily, the meds also help in that area, and yes, RevAl, I have been told it is a chemical imbalance too. My sanity went first, then my thyroid I wonder what I'll lose next?
  3. Okay, Genius. So I don't know physics. I'd have to actually take your answer down and study it to understand what you just told me. Then again, perhaps even physics doesn't tell the whole story. It is still a limited science conceived by limited consciousness. Which brings me to another point about the consciousness coming first theory-If something consciously created everything, its consciousness would be more vast than any living mortals. Why can't we access this supreme knowledge? We should have access to the answers of life. The fact that we don't, and that we can't even begin to understand it, suggests there is no information to access, because there was conscious remembrance of creation. So where does that leave us? With an absent minded God? In my mind the creating source is still unconscious. The fact that other elements are needed to create life beyond energy just points to the fact that 1. There is no singular God 2. There are many Gods (each particle involved in creating life is God.) This would also account for so many different species of life and the duality of male/female. The Creative sources would also have the dual characteristics that are revealed in life on this planet.
  4. Vibration would have to be the natural state of energy much like an ungrounded wire would spark. Energy as a force and not an object wouldn't need anything to act upon it if it were naturally active itself. The sparks that would be created from the vibrational effect would be life creating. It is said in metaphysics that everything is vibrating, we can't see this because the frequency is pitched beyond our visual perception, but we know that vibrational waves create life because we know our heart is beating. This heartbeat is also a vibration. When this vibration ceases, the body expires. The brain also emits frequency waves, and though we can live without full function of these waves, we are reduced to a vegetative state.
  5. The way I suppose it to be, consciousness arose from an increased vibrational frequency. Looking at energy and assuming that each frequency is resposible for the creation of something, then it could also be responsible for the creation of awareness which would indicate that consciousness evolved just as life did. I consider energy God. I call it source energy because it is the source of all things, and the name God, represents a human concept in my mind, which I haven't yet committed to. I have been visiting a site, space and which deals with Free Will and Determinism, metaphysics and such and they quote famous scientists and philosophers. Today I was reading a theory that space existed before anything else. I am looking forward to finish the article to find out more on this. I believe the person quoted for this was Spinoza.
  6. I believe God-consciousness comes from man's imagination. human kind is the only species to exhibit imagination, thus the reason for God consciousness. If you please, I know faith has a lot to do with God's existence, but I am interested to learn, if you believe God came first, what made God? When this concept comes up, I think of a wizard waving a wand to make things appear which is why I find the God first concept so unlikely. Do you believe conscious energy created life? How would consciousness form without evolution? Awareness may be present but wouldn't it have to be limited to awareness of opposite frequencies? Intelligence comes from knowledge and knowledge requires experience, without the physical formation of life, where would "God" get his experience?
  7. Reading The God Theory

  8. To see you is good, Yoda.

    welcome you are.

  9. Reading Helen William's Home Course In Mental Science

  10. In Contemplation of recent events.

  11. I can not accept a conscious creator of life as rational. I do not believe choice came into creation either. I cannot debate mathematical probability as I am not good in math. I can only speak from what I feel makes sense.
  12. It's been 9 months. I wonder how the conversion is going? "You'll never take me alive!"
  13. Nice to see you (literally) Yanesh. I can only answer from my belief which is that energy was always here, and in my opinion, it was not conscious. I believe we have the key to creation all around us if we look for the common thread. The vibration of energy is no different than the pulse of a heartbeat. The rhythm of life is equivalent to its various vibrations. Everything relates to everything else. But, I do not believe energy was conscious until duality was established. From duality a primitive conscious awareness of opposites arose. As creation evolved into more complex beings, consciousness evolved as well. Believing as I do, I do not feel anything made a conscious choice to be anywhere. Just as the milk does not choose to be cream, nor does the cream choose to be butter, they are because of the consistent vibration process of churning. Life came to be out of millions of years of vibrating frequencies which created infinite possibilities some which evolved into other things, and some that perished without a trace. Choice was not involved because consciousness was not involved. Energy exists without knowledge of its existence. It is an automated force, perpetually vibrating in the universe propelling evolution by its ever increasing frequency. (IMO)
  14. I do try, Brother Michael. I do try. Answers come to me in peace and suddenly I feel myself smiling and I know, theres nothing I need to understand. It will all be made known when the time is right.
  15. Thanks, I probably blew it by choking one of them huh?
  16. Arthritis pain in my back.

  17. I really enjoy gospel music. Especially the hand-clapping rejoicing numbers. I listen to Mahalia Jackson. And I also enjoy movies with a gospel theme like Leap of Faith with Steve Martin, and Elmer Gantry with Burt Lancaster and The Apostle with Robert Duvall.
  18. That was facinating, Brother Mike. All of my insight comes during deep meditation, or at some point after meditation, so I totally "get" what you are saying. I have had these glorious moments all my life but they have increased in intensity since my accident in 2007. You present a very interesting scenario to what I, myself am experiencing, and after reading this post, I do believe that the motion of our life may also be dependent on the motion of our parallel lives. I have often felt my life was in "still shot" mode, or moving very slowly. I also see a continual cycle of lows and highs, feast or famine. I can take a step a head but am always, inevitably at some point, booted backwards in my physical progression. This is especially true in the area of career and finances. I have meditated on this, but as yet, have received not insight into the "why" of it, or the key to resolving the constant set backs so I can move forward in a steady and productive pace both financially and in my career. I have amazing dreams, recurring dreams, where I am roaming the grounds of a university. I understand this to be my journey of higher learning. I also continually dream I am in a large, spacious mansion, but I am renting it and I want to purchase it, I just never get to close the deal, the mansion is being remodeled. The third recurring dream happens at a terminal. I am surrounded by people I do not know. Mostly adults but often children, teens and college age . I ask them if they are dead, and they tell me they are. Then I try to learn about the other side, but they only stare at me and smile. I am frequently in "meetings" with two men and a woman, all dressed in business attire. They seem to be judging me, though they are not judgmental. In one particularily interesting dream, One of the men told me, "It's time." I leapt from my seat and began choking him, yelling, "You couldn't have come here sooner! You come here now after all the suffering I've been through?" He looked shocked and the dream ended. One amazing dream I had, occured shortly after the death of my beloved english setter. I was in such grief. I dreampt I was standing at the bottom of a hill, and Jesus was at the top facing me, and pointing to the right. He was dressed in white robe and sandals. He only said two words, "Go On." That's all I remember of the dream. I experience many wonderful euphoric sensations that are difficult to describe. I will be wide awake doing something totally unrelated and I will sense a feeling of illumination, as if a light were being shinned on me. I also feel elevated to a different plateau, though visually my surroundings don't change externally, internally I know I am not in the physical world. I feel absolute joy and peace, and I am weightless. There is a sensation that I am without physical form. When these episodes occur, it seems again that the light (solar or artificial depending on where I am,) Is brighter, as if I am being bathed in its glow. It's truly marvelous.
  19. Oh my God! I love your dog! He looks just like my Spooky. You cannot hear me, but I am squealing with delight. I adopted my baby in August of 2001. I named him Spooky because he is afraid of everything and terrorizes people. LOL I am his mother and he is my son. His birthday is April Fools Day. Aren't schnauzers wonderful? I love dogs.
  20. i am also looking. I feel there is something I need to hear and something I want to hear....I can almost hear it in my mind, but it is barely audible and there is so much interference from the physical world..........
  21. I don't deny that there could be a supreme conscious entity-I just doubt it, and look forward to finding out, however, I probably wouldn't believe it because I think the things we see in NDE's are subjective to our thoughts, beliefs, emotions and imagination.