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Everything posted by RevJohnG

  1. I think the new Pontiff will have a lot riding on his shoulders in regards to healing the Church from within and from without. He seems, so far, to be personable. I can only judge this by his humble roots that I've read about and also from watching his Urbi et Orbi, meaning "to the city and the world." I pray his papacy is a blessed one.
  2. UPDATE: It is very much a Christian site. I decided to go the other way around and emphasize the Old Catholic aspect of our ministry but left it welcoming to all proclaiming our solid ULC affiliation.
  3. Not in the eyes of the Catholic or Old Catholic Church. I'm not going to argue semantics. He appointed himself a Bishop from what I have read. Took the Doctor of the Universe course.
  4. What that translates to is that I cannot be incardinated to two Bishops at once. There isn't a Bishop to incardinate to in the ULC so my Bishop approved this ministry.
  5. Hello all. I just want to share a bit of my history in regards to my ordination into the holy priesthood. My website is a duel ministry...that of the ULC and cosponsored by the Old Catholic Order of Paul the Apostle, "Old Catholic Paulists" My website is What is the "Old Catholic Church"? The Old Catholic movement traces its history to the Utrecht Union in the Netherlands. The church began splitting apart from Rome in the 19th century over the appointment of bishops by the Pope, who had been previously elected from within each diocese. The split became final after Vatican I when Pope Pius IX claimed Papal Infallibility. The prior tradition, and that which is still held by Old Catholics, is that of “Infallibility of Bishops in General Council.” The Old Catholic Church is associated with the Holy See of Antioch, which was founded by St. Peter as its first Bishop, and where the term "Christian " was first applied to believers and followers of Jesus Christ. The Old Catholic Church is part of the “One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church. " The Bishops of the Old Catholic Church "hold and keep" Apostolic Succession. The Old Catholic Church welcomes individual Roman Catholics, and other Christians, to participate in Communion and other Sacraments. Old Catholics believe in the "Real Presence" in the Eucharist; that the Bread and Wine, truly become the "Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity" of Jesus Christ. Of particular concern to The Old Catholic Church is the offering of Sacraments to those who have left Catholicism for whatever reason, or those who are considered "displaced Catholics", and/or other Christians, who seek forms of worship and beliefs, founded in Sacred Scripture and the Traditions of the Catholic Church.
  6. I thank you all for your replies. I'm learning a lot. Who knew there are categorical types of polytheists.
  7. I like the question the way it is, everyone seems to "git it".
  8. I did not ask "How many GODs are there????" Please reread my post. I believe in one God....I'm a theist ya know.
  9. The entire internet is murky lol. It's a bad website regardless. If HQ says they don't know what the heck it is then it's not to be trusted IMHO.
  10. Just heard from HQ and they do not claim this site at all and are honestly disturbed by the claims that it makes.
  11. Does Odin really exist? (for those who honor the Norse traditions) Is it more like the concept of Odin exists?
  12. I am confirming right now (well they open in a couple hours.) w/ Dyan at HQ so I'll let you know.
  13. Bottom line is that this site is saying outright that when you are opting to get ordained thru this site it states this: Ordination Welcome! You are about to become an ordained minister of the Universal Life Church, Modesto, California. And for their school they link to New Union Seminary. Anywho.
  14. This site is counterfeit I assume?
  15. I am sorry that you read it wrong. Christians are welcome, but they should be very open minded when it comes to things is all I meant...hence the descriptive.
  16. What "gods/Gods" do you believe in? Or do I have it wrong? I really would love to hear from you guys. I am a theist, but I believe in one Supreme Being/Creator/Author of Life/God, etc.
  17. I am starting a small website for what we are doing down here in the deep south! Just wanted to share. It is a non-Christian (although all are welcome!) theistic church, very open and honest about that too. I wonder how this will fly in the Bible Belt here. Thanks.
  18. Don't get me wrong. It's not even compare to other not so scrupulous sites. I should not have said what I said.
  19. House Church in the closet! Nice. Still not fishy. UPS Store is fishy.
  20. This is great! Thanks for all the nostalgia you have for the ULC. Fact: The ULC Monastery is run out of a UPS Store in Seattle. I wonder how many people know this? Just sad. Many many sources for this from Google. To be honest, and I'm not attacking Rev. Amy Long personally but the ULC Seminary is a strange site with overpriced items/courses, etc. Pax