Letter To The Hensley Family

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Christ our eternal King and God, You have destroyed death and the devil by Your Cross and have restored man to life by Your Resurrection; give rest, Lord, to the soul of Your servant Lida who has fallen asleep, in Your Kingdom, where there is no pain, sorrow or suffering. In Your goodness and love for all men, pardon all the sins she has committed in thought word or deed, for there is no man or woman who lives and sins not, You only are without sin.

May her memory be eternal.

Rev. G

Edited by Rev-G
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My heart is heavy with sorrow for your loss. I will always be proud to carry your mother's name on my credentials of ordination.

May your burden be lightened in the knowledge that it is in your parent's legacy that many have found their true calling to serve the Almighty as the Almighty is known to them. The gifts given to us by our church through your parents are countless. I will always consider myself a better person due to the numerous gifts of the Universal Life Church.

A candle is lit in your mother's memory. May you find peace.


Brother Devon Craig

Forum Moderator

Universal Life Church Online

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  murphzlaw1 said:

On behalf of the membership of the Universal Life Church Online forum, please allow me to express the sorrow we all have at the loss of your dear mother, Lida. While obviously not many have heard much of her (outside your office), we all know Lida was a fine, strong woman that upheld the ideals of your father, and helped make the church the great success

I'm sure many of us would love to be present for the memorial service you plan to hold. Be assured that we are with you and your family in spirit during this difficult time.

We offer our prayers, best wishes, support, and love to you during this difficult time.

Anthony J. Stern

Forum Administrator

Saint of the Universal Life Church

Forum members, please post your support to the Hensley family in this thread. I will pass a link to this topic to Andre in a few days.

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My deepest sympathies to the Hensley Family on the loss of their mother Lida. May it ease their pain to know that the angels where with her as she cross the plain across to the Summer Land. She will be greatly missed here on earth but I know she will still be watching over all of us.

Brightest of Blessings to all.

Reverend Faith Connor-Smith

HPS to the Goddess

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My love goes out to the Hensley family in this moment of grief. Your loss is also our loss. May the Beloved One fill your hearts with Serenity and Joy, for I am sure your mother was a blessing to all.

Hermano Luis Muñiz

Moriviví Hermitage

Puerto Rico, USA

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Many prayers of love and light are being sent your way in this time of grief. Please know that she is at rest and we will all see her again someday. We should celebrate her life, as it was a truly marvelous one indeed. Many blessings to you and your loved ones.

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