MASS DELIVERANCE: Win Worley sermon

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On 6/18/2024 at 12:55 AM, Jonathan H. B. Lobl said:

I'm back on line after a few months. 

Where to begin?


No to fear based content.  No to the stories about Hell.  


Well, ok, you pay your eletric bill? Do you change the filters in your air conditioner? Do you change the oil in your car/motorcycle engine? Do you also see the Second Law of Thermodynamics as "fear based content?"


Seriously, some how you take the necessary steps to keep your lights on, your water on, and your equipment operating, right?


Why dont you look at equipment manuals and utilitily statements as "fear based content?"


Manuals use "Danger" to describe risk of death and equipment damage. "Warning" to describe risk of injury and damage. "Caution" to describe risk of damage.....what do you do, ignore that because its "fear based content?"

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I would say you are selective in your definition of fear based content.


You  seem to see warnings of hell and references to hell  as some kind of violation of your rights, when it is actually a kindness extended to you in a time where you can actually make a change. 


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23 hours ago, Jonathan H. B. Lobl said:

I accept that you are sincere and well intentioned.  Not sane.  Just sincere and well intentioned.




Well lets dont cross the line of freindly discourse and start saying that the other is not sane. If you look at whats at stake here, my poistion is the sane position.


And dont act as if you are open to objective debate, you are not. Your mind is closed and your poistion is not one that facts or evidence lead you to, its the one you choose. You might start by ackowledging that and stop the theatre that you are coming from some intellectual high ground, you are not, you are coming from a closed minded denial positon.

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