Ism For The Day

Ex Nihilo

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New -ism I just learned:

Repristinationism: The tendency to thoughtlessly and mechanically repeat the theology of the past, blindly accepting the beliefs, wording, doctrines and proof passages of prior theologians as primary authority, rather than restudying Scripture afresh.


I prefer the word "ignorance"

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~ Have you tried saying that word? :rolleyes:

{ Conversationally, it's definately gonna halt chat while definition is chanted & probably gonna put a chill on the vibes... }

& unless ya post-it nearby, unlikely to be used often in writing either I would guess.

{ You'd still have to explain it every time anyway, huh? }

Well, guess it's good to know there's a word for yet another of those fears & phobias & such...

& yes, I know what is said of assuming.

& yes, I am assuming that anyone that would "thoughtlessly and mechanically repeat the theology of the past, blindly accepting the beliefs, wording, doctrines and proof passages of prior theologians as primary authority, rather than restudying Scripture afresh." may have fears and/or phobias...

Could just be lazy.:dntknw: Don't know.

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