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--True,many have a lot of revelation about themselves on their introduction page!!!!! I did too, I will later--I have to admit I was angry, and took it all off some days back.



Many, many people wear different faces depending on the situation. Before I retired, I was a different person at work than when I was at home. I am a different person as a husband than as a father and different yet as a grandfather. I am not always the same to each clerk at each store that I shop. I am a different person to each of my friends. The difficulty, or ease, of being on line is that you can be the same person to everyone on a particular forum or social site such as this forum or facebook. The problem with these venues are that we cannot see each other as we communicate to see the wry smile, the look of hatred, the compassion in the eyes, the body language. I don't see as a picture of our selves would help to know each other. Knowing what a person looks like does not translate to knowing the person.

Yes, yes, yes--you are right,--but a picture speaks more than a thousand words though :derisive: in conjunction with the written words. I was not implying that it is only the picture, that is but a small part. It just makes it a bit more personal.

blessings and peace,


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--True,many have a lot of revelation about themselves on their introduction page!!!!! I did too, I will later--I have to admit I was angry, and took it all off some days back.



Yes, yes, yes--you are right,--but a picture speaks more than a thousand words though :derisive: in conjunction with the written words. I was not implying that it is only the picture, that is but a small part. It just makes it a bit more personal.

blessings and peace,


Then folk will begin judging the books by the covers.

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--ah, but sometimes covers do reveal how interesting the book maybe :derisive: and we become very curious , not judgmental. Well, I anyway! To me judging by the cover is rather a shallow approach--as with oysters, some of the least expected ones have the greatest of pearls :derisive:



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My very first Internet account, in 1995/6, was a mistake that haunt ed me for years.s me to this day.

As Bro. Kaman pointed out, I think there's a lot of truth in the fact we act different with the different folks we come across each day. I have a lot of acquaintances around town, a good number of folks I call "neighbors" and then of course our Internet friends or "cyber-knows" as one friend puts it. But how we act around these different folks shouldn't have any bearing on how we treat them or what we tell them as our truth. That is who we are regardless of where we are.

But, alas, I suppose we have no choice but to take the good with the bad.

Now as you gaze upon that handsome, austere face to the upper left of this post, yes, that is really me, after the surgeries, (unfortunately the docs didn't have a whole lot to work with! And the hood/robe? Well one of my flock caught me at a good moment! :llol: ) but I'm not sure how much it tells you about me!

Blessings of Peace,

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Well I think the picture of you is really very,very nice--I wasn`t sure, but you certainly match your writings and philosophy. Also--you seems to conjure up thoughts of Merlin-- :derisive: for me, maybe it`s the glint in your eye :shades2: You look cool and very wise, as much of the insights you share . See--pictures don`t lie.

blessings and meeow :chococat_h4h: .


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