Looks This Is How The Rich Do It.

Hyper Real

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Envy, jealousy and class warfare......

Isn't 'class warfare' just a catchy shorthand for people who want to end discussions about inequality and legal jiggery pokery by claiming that even suggesting that the poor are being treated comparatively unfairly is an aggressive act bordering on hate crime?

No, as that would not even make any sense.

When poor people look for ways to reduce their taxes and effectively increase their income from the government it gets called benefit fraud and leaching off the system.

No it isn't.. That would be called voting conservative Unless of coure your point only reflects the recipients of the entitlement society. In which case, you are more a statist activist rather than an advocate for the underemployed.

When rich people do it the government loses even more money, but that's just good business.

Let's take your dangerous assumption that the "government loses even more money." ITS NOT THE GOVERNMENTS MONEY. The government cannot lose money that is not theirs to begin with. Get it??? Seriously, do you understand this?

I see nothing wrong with challenging the perceptions of society on matters such as this. If challenging predominant societal philosophies regarding the rich and the poor is class warfare, then so be it.

Yes liberalism, and the inevitable progressivism or socialism, or the catch-all 'statism' is definately class warfare. It's all they got. Divisiveness. Class warfare......

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Isn't 'class warfare' just a catchy shorthand for people who want to end discussions about inequality and legal jiggery pokery by claiming that even suggesting that the poor are being treated comparatively unfairly is an aggressive act bordering on hate crime?

No. It has to do with pitting one "class" against the another. It is the cornerstone of liberal politics. If you want me to elaborate, I will.

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