
Rev. Dreed

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our siamaese cat had to be put down today he was old when we got him from a friend

his owner had passed on and he needed a place to stay. he had quit eating regularly and had lost nearly 18 lbs. im not entirely sure what was wrong but he just gave up on life and would not leave his bedroom. He got to where he could no longer get off the bed to use his litter box so he was going on the bed and we were constantly changing his bedding (several times per day)

i put him down and burried him in the back yard next to Buster

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so very sorry for your loss, friend - sometimes we have to make that dreadful decision to end their suffering; and even though it is a kindness, its incredibly hard

what I really wanted to say was thank you, for opening your home and your heart to a little four legged in need - that says something about you revdreed!

let the love, kindness and respect that you showed this little one come back to you!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm so sorry to have missed this...over two weeks ago Rev. Dreed...things sometimes do fly off the "Recent Activity Board".

May the love you showed for your furry friend be acknowledged. I know having to put an animal at rest is never easy, but so often is the right thing to do for mercy and peace.

Blessings of Healing to you all.

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