2 Ephesians

Bro. Hex

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I am sick and tired of a bunch of foreigners telling us what to do, or what to believe.

Lately I have been reading a lot about 2 Ephesians in the news.

This is ridiculous.

Not only is their number incredibly small,

we don't even know if they are in this country legally!

Why should we even CARE what a couple of Ephesians have to say?

I say "round up the whole bunch, however many there are,

and send 'em all back to EPHESIA where they belong!!!"


Happy February


Edited by Hexalpa
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I am sick and tired of a bunch of foreigners telling us what to do, or what to believe.

Lately I have been reading a lot about 2 Ephesians in the news.

This is ridiculous.

Not only is their number incredibly small,

we don't even know if they are in this country legally!

Why should we even CARE what a couple of Ephesians have to say?

I say "round up the whole bunch, however many there are,

and send 'em all back to EPHESIA where they belong!!!"


Happy February


Sorry Hex but we do not get all the US news in the UK and so I am not sure of the circumstances of your comment. I could say the absence of the light of one makes it that much darker for us all but I really do not know if it is relevant, only to say that if you are saying this then there must be more too it.

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