The Code Of The Sith

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I always liked parts of the Sith code, but socialogically it would never prevail in anything but a movie, espcially with the panzies and fear that persist in our world today ~chuckles~.

Whenever my son gets dark and broods I call him Darth Malachi ~chuckles~. It makes him laugh and gets him out of his mood.

What is funny if there exists the world of chaos/abyss then the Sith Doctrine is still very much alive because demons will learn from their masters until they are strong enough to destroy them and take their power ~smiles~.

The business and marketing world portrays the Sith Doctrine very well ~grins~, and sometimes they even assasinate people to get them out of the way ~chuckles~.

I have lived what you would call the sith doctrine back in the 80' my height I could pop light bulbs with thought, manipulate electronics, and warp the minds of others, I still miss that form of power some days, but I guess I failed when it came to the suffering and pain that went along with it. You could say I was pulled not towards the good side of the force but smack dab in the middle where the truth lies for me! ~smiles~.

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I think perhaps the Code of the Sith is more into separateness, rather than the oneness of Creation.

Ahh..I don't care to be one. You know why? Because it will NEVER happend. It's a pipe dream, just like world peace and total equality.

I'm a Successionist more then anything. Let me live with people who agree basically with my political philosophy and who share the same values as i do, and others can do so as well.

I'm for my own country, free and independent from the U.S on the North American continent. I believe I won;t live to see it happend, but eventaully I believe it will. That way everyone can live as they choose..The Evangelicals can have ther country and make laws as they see fit, the Liberals can have theirs and of course other groups as well.

I admit it; I am not for joining hands and singing in harmony. I want more local control, and less Federal. I want the local areas to decide their laws by what the PEOPLE there decide, not by others. I feel eventually America will break up like Europe and I don't see that as a bad thing.

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Ahh..I don't care to be one. You know why? Because it will NEVER happend. It's a pipe dream, just like world peace and total equality.

I'm a Successionist more then anything. Let me live with people who agree basically with my political philosophy and who share the same values as i do, and others can do so as well.

I'm for my own country, free and independent from the U.S on the North American continent. I believe I won;t live to see it happend, but eventaully I believe it will. That way everyone can live as they choose..The Evangelicals can have ther country and make laws as they see fit, the Liberals can have theirs and of course other groups as well.

I admit it; I am not for joining hands and singing in harmony. I want more local control, and less Federal. I want the local areas to decide their laws by what the PEOPLE there decide, not by others. I feel eventually America will break up like Europe and I don't see that as a bad thing.

Perhaps you will see this. But in all probability there will be a physical separateness but a spiritual oneness. When all realize that survival may depend on this oneness, cooperation and working together and really care about one another ... then there will be little need for government as we know it. Each will desire that the other has everything that the one may want, simply because we are all one. Those who want to be above others and exercise control will be rejected. What I refer to as the Law of Love will be in effect.

You might research the concepts of a pole shift and/or dimensional shift that it is said we are moving towards and what it means to mankind. The changes have supposedly begun and will be complete before the year 2012. You WILL be with those like yourself. Mankind is said to be divided into two orientations, although some are still on the fence, which are "service to self" and service to other." Which will you choose? It might be said that the human species will be separated by their group oneness.

Service to self is basically wanting to be better/different than the others, to be above them. This precludes cooperative effort. Service to others is wanting all to rise to their highest desires and capabilities and all working to achieve this. This in no way restricts individuality and differences.... but all based on the Law of Love. Each one must make a choice based on their own desires.... a recognition of oneness or a desire for separateness and being above what you perceive others to be.

Will this shift(s) happen? There is evidence, both physical and metaphysical, that it will. There is also much argument that it will not. We can only wait and see. You might perceive this as a separation of the "dark side" and the "light side," each going their own way. We must all choose.

"A pipe dream??" As I said before, perhaps you underestimate the creator force and our individual choices.

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Ahh..I don't care to be one. You know why? Because it will NEVER happend. It's a pipe dream, just like world peace and total equality.

I'm a Successionist more then anything. Let me live with people who agree basically with my political philosophy and who share the same values as i do, and others can do so as well.

I'm for my own country, free and independent from the U.S on the North American continent. I believe I won;t live to see it happend, but eventaully I believe it will. That way everyone can live as they choose..The Evangelicals can have ther country and make laws as they see fit, the Liberals can have theirs and of course other groups as well.

I admit it; I am not for joining hands and singing in harmony. I want more local control, and less Federal. I want the local areas to decide their laws by what the PEOPLE there decide, not by others. I feel eventually America will break up like Europe and I don't see that as a bad thing.

Well the human soul has been around for a few million years and other than technology and language not much has changed. We still find reasons to kill each other when our normal enemies are not around ~chuckles~. We still kill!

The same stories you see in the Bible, Tora or Koran are still happening today just as strong, if not stronger than they were back in the day ~smiles~.

Tis a good pipe dream, but I am sure we would find a reason to fight over where said people would live ~grins~, especially if it was a good marketing or reality market ~grins~.

It is the dictate of nature that we kill, albeit we may be doing for superfluious reasons today, it is still being done on a grand scale just about everywhere ~smiles~.

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Perhaps you will see this. But in all probability there will be a physical separateness but a spiritual oneness. When all realize that survival may depend on this oneness, cooperation and working together and really care about one another ... then there will be little need for government as we know it. Each will desire that the other has everything that the one may want, simply because we are all one. Those who want to be above others and exercise control will be rejected. What I refer to as the Law of Love will be in effect.

You might research the concepts of a pole shift and/or dimensional shift that it is said we are moving towards and what it means to mankind. The changes have supposedly begun and will be complete before the year 2012. You WILL be with those like yourself. Mankind is said to be divided into two orientations, although some are still on the fence, which are "service to self" and service to other." Which will you choose? It might be said that the human species will be separated by their group oneness.

Service to self is basically wanting to be better/different than the others, to be above them. This precludes cooperative effort. Service to others is wanting all to rise to their highest desires and capabilities and all working to achieve this. This in no way restricts individuality and differences.... but all based on the Law of Love. Each one must make a choice based on their own desires.... a recognition of oneness or a desire for separateness and being above what you perceive others to be.

Will this shift(s) happen? There is evidence, both physical and metaphysical, that it will. There is also much argument that it will not. We can only wait and see. You might perceive this as a separation of the "dark side" and the "light side," each going their own way. We must all choose.

"A pipe dream??" As I said before, perhaps you underestimate the creator force and our individual choices.

I choose the route of personal salvation, which is to accept the world as it is. Basically, this oneness you speak of is nice, however it leaves out the true nature of humanity. Selfishness and the wish to be number one is encoded in our genome, it is in the very DNA structure of our body. And if you think of it, there is a very good reason for it.

Humans nay have better tools and technology, butwe are what we are. Were hominids that has killed, conquered and dominated every other species on Earth. The nature of our selfishness is to preserve ourselves over others. All creatures seek to survive, humans included

Do I want to be "different"? Yes, I am not an insect or a drone. I am Occultis, a unique being, a free agent who chooses to try to express himself. I do not seek your oneness because it sounds like the Borg on Start Trek. It has been tried, and everytime it has failed. "Resistance is futile, we will be One". Nope, we won't be one because I can not love those I do not know, or do I exist to serve others as if I am some kind of slave or servant to society.

Love requires I know of your existensce and that there is something within you that I love. If I do not know you exist, the I do not know of any qualities within you that would make you love you. Further, if you have qualities that make you repellent to me, then that in fact makes me love you less then I might if I didn't know you. It might be better off, in such a case, to not have known you! At least then I didn't know enough about you to either hate you or despise you!

However, you are right. There will be an attempt to make the world one-one world of slaves. Whe the Sith'ari comes, if he or she does, you will be all one because you will either bend to his or her will or you will be united with the rest of the enslaved in your chains. Your desire for heaven on Earth can be manipulated, as can your uncritical wish to be united. If you truly want to be one, then you will find your oneness under the heel of the jackboot of those who do not want to be one. Then your love will be perverted to servitude, enforced by the mailed fist of the powerful.

We don't need to be one. We can deal with each other on the level of mutual self interest and mutual respect. Only a slave serves someone else without expecting anything. Hence the term slave. I am sure there many who will be pleased by your desire to serve them, and if you are sincere, when they come to power you will find many oppurtunities in your chains to serve them.

In summation people work together beause it gets them something. However, unless you event a new language and unless true Communism takes over, those who do not stand up for themselves will fall. Those who haver no self interest will have no interest at all. From time immemoriable, humans have struggled, died, fought and loved. This will not end. All the future will bring you is a new choices for a new generation to old problems: Are you your own person, or do you exist for others? Do humans have the right to exist simply because they exist? Do you wish oneness under the boot, the lash and the collar or would you rather chance war so as not to be deprived of your own being? Whom does your soul exist for-you or for others? Is life, deprived of being unique, worthy of being called life? What price are you willing to pay for your oneness, and in the end will it cost you everything you ever had and more? Are you willing to lay your soul, your mind, your body, your very existensce as a free and soverieng human being on the altar of "oneness"? I am not!

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