~ Tanka...

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~ Tanka is a poetry form that's sorta strict.

Syllable count is 5-7-5-7-7.

The first two lines have an image, 3rd & 4th have a different image, the 5th ties them together.

My attempt...

Only the wind sings

Now that the house is empty.

The birds have all flown

Far away with the summer.

I am left behind wingless.

Anyone else willing to try a strictured poety form? No rhyming necessary!

{It's a Japanes form. Like haiku, the point is not to rhyme.

Of course in Japanese it's trickier not to rhyme than to :lol}

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I'll bite. :lick:


Come along my friend

to a place just past the bend.

Where flow hits a wall

there the golden nuggets fall

waiting to be found.

Sorry, I like to rhyme.

Oh, it's about panning for placer gold in mountain streams. 'Course it's an analogy, too.

Edited by Verisoph
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~ You are a darling! :friends:


Come along my friend

to a place just past the bend.

Where flow hits a wall

there the golden nuggets fall.

Waiting to be found again.

... Just a suggestion!

Edited by Qryos
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Sounds good, except that it doesn't fit the analogy, which is admittedly obscure.

It's said that the way of the Tao is a watercourse way -- that one should go with the flow. Gold nuggets do this in a moving stream. But, when the stream hits a bend, on the far outside edge, the flow is interrupted. There, gold nuggets collect, and can be gathered.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that some of life's best lessons are to be found, by those who are willing to look for them, in the troubled spots.

I'll go with this:


Come along my friend

to a place just past the bend.

Where flow hits a wall

there the golden nuggets fall

gladly waiting to be found.


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~ I actually did understand your analogy... :blush:

I was touching on the 'come along my friend' as perhaps a re-uniting

& the gold as newly found.

... I know, I'm a pain in the tush!

Come along my friend

to a place just past the bend.

Where flow hits a wall

there the golden nuggets fall

gladly waiting to be found.

... Yep, I think ya ought to go with that!

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~ Thank you Cosmo! Sounds like fun :friends:

... I'm gonna try another...

Autumn bringing gold

saluting a new season.

Family gathers

with packages from the past.

Another chilly winter.

... That's sorta depressing, huh? OK, I'll try another...

Pine trees hold silent

while snow softly envelops.

Winter is brightened

when a child comes to stay.

Blankets lost in Spring.

... OK, not so cheerful either! I'm on the fly here...

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