lady christina marie

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About lady christina marie

  • Birthday 07/15/1913

Helpful Information

  • Marital Status
    What ever
  • Location
    In the world of SMEG !

Friendly Details

  • Interests
    Paintball,blow,air,bb guns,cross bows,orchids,Mocha,koi,Red Dwarf,My Hero,riding my mountain bike.<br />Yelling at my husband(ha,ha,ha).<br />Painting and doing sand painting on leather.<br />Being a member of The Cedar Valley Wetlands for 16yrs.<br />AND MOVING BACK AND ALSO MOVING A WHOLE HOUSE DOWN THE BLOCK...<br />TO PLAY THIS GAME AND GET THE SAME RESPECT AS EVERY OTHER PLAYERS.<br />WITH OUT LAUGHTER AND MEANNESS
  • Doctrine /Affiliation
    Universal Life Church,UNIVERSAL LIFE CHURCH MONASTERY,The Church of Seven Planes, The Church Of New Life,The Church of Spiritual Humanism

Other Details

  • Occupation
    ordained minister
  • Website URL

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  1. I would like to know too. Been trying to put my book of shadows together(it like a journal you keep important items in).
  2. I agree with that. This person I was talking about. Went to the courthouse in the town he lives in to have his name to Fox Bubba Mulder. He told me because it will make he look and be smarter with a name like that. Is bubba is his middle name its been in their family for a every long time. The courthouse will give him the name change which won't make him any smarter.
  3. It's a good thing because everyone including family can miss with you. To have you believe they care about you only to take you for a short ride off a long peer.
  4. Sorry but this person believe that pro westling is real too. He doesn't like school and college westling because itsn't real. Not relatived to me. He is a true hillbilly. I think it was because he drank their homemade moon shine.
  5. Right now the sci-fi is running the x-flies all day. Yesterday I was out at a store and someone I haded seen in a long time. Was there and came up and started talking about the x-flies. He says the everything the tv show has for each show comes from real and true events that really happen. So what do you think? Does the stuff the tv show x-flies have on their show real or not does it really happen? Me he is crazy as a squirrel without nuts.
  6. This is the faith my parents gave to me:



  7. Looks like it will be a very neat ceremony. Good Luck.
  8. Hi My mom was told by her doctors she had breast cancer. That was in 1996 and given 1 year to live with treatment. So she lost one breast and did the rounds of cemo,radiation for 3 different times. She keep up a good face no matter how sick she got. Tried to keep working and spend time wth family. She has never been to california and florida so her sister and her fly to florida for a week spending time with my cousins. She never had a dull moment. Then fly to california,drove to vegas and spent time with my cousins there to. No matter how sick and tired she got even when she to use a wheelchair to get around. She got her year and on june 12,1997 after a week in the hospital she passed away. Which was a slow and painful death which I was there with her the whole time. I would haven't missed a moment of. I miss her and my dad every day since they are gone.
  9. THIS POEM IS VERY SPECIAL TOO ME I WANTED TO SHARE IT WITH YOU. MISS ME-BUT LET ME GO When I come to the end of the road And the sun has set for me, I want no rite in a gloom filled room, Why cry for a soul set free. Miss me a little- but not too long, And not with your head bowed low. Remember the love that we once shared, Miss me- but let me go. For this is a journey that we all must take, And each must go alone. It's all apart of the master's plan, A step on a road to home. When you are lonely and sick of heart, Go to friends we know, And bury your sorrows in doing good deeds. Miss me- but let me go. (UNKNOWN ARTHUR) Lady Christina Marie It does help,I know because I lost an uncle in march and an aunt right after thanksgiving last year. And both my parents too.