Rev Joe

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About Rev Joe

  • Birthday 04/22/1955

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    Winona, Minnesota

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    Software Engineer
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  1. I have attached a pdf of the Wisconsin marriage statutes. You don't have to register to perform a marriage. Most counties give out instructions to the officiant as to how to fill out the marriage certificate. Wisconsin has recently changed their forms and now the witnesses have to both sign and print their names. Also some counties don't make the couple sign ahead of time, but they are supposed to sign prior to the ceremony. stat0765.pdf
  2. This is a book published by a facebook friend of mine. He writes about his autism.
  3. If the issuing license state is Texas, then it may be allowed as some of the county web sites mention that the wedding can take place anywhere. snipped from dallas county: Can I use my Texas marriage license to get married in another state? A marriage license issued in the State of Texas can be used for ceremonies in other States. Please contact your out-of-state officiate before applying for a State of Texas marriage license. Please keep in mind your license will only be recorded in the County and State in which you applied. I would check with someone in your state to see if it is legal for you to perform a marriage this way as most states say that a marriage can only be performed with a valid marriage license from the state the marriage is to take place in.
  4. It does look like they forgot to take out this section in 765.002 which is a definition for a term that was deleted in section 765.17. (2) In this chapter “church under his or her ministry” includes any congregation, parish or place of worship at which any member of the clergy is located or assigned and also any administrative, missionary, welfare or educational agency, institution or organization affiliated with any religious denomination or society in this state.
  5. And I would like to thank you for supplying these for me over the past years!
  6. I don't think that would work at it could be considered a 'proxy' wedding and that is not legal in most states. Your safest bet would be to do a 'commitment' ceremony on the 9th and then do a short legal ceremony (in person with witnesses, if your state requires witnesses) on the 12th.
  7. Having done about 200 weddings I have only used contracts about 5 times and only for couples who request them. Maybe that is a bad business practice on my part, but that is how I do it. I am a member of the AAWO Wedding Officiant Yahoo group and some on there have 5 page contracts and some don't use any. I can send you a copy of what I have if you would like but based on what I have heard on the Yahoo group, it is not all-inclusive as far as covering all contingencies.
  8. I think you had a typo in the above. is the modesto site and is the monastery site.
  9. I tried to PM you but your inbox is full! If you are planning on doing this and doing ordinations in the near future, I would be interested in seeing what requirements you would have to be ordained. Thanks.
  10. Are you planning on doing this and if so would you be ordaining as well?
  11. I agree that practice is needed. Don't just read the ceremony, but read it out loud so you can hear how it is going to come out or have someone listen and give advice. You will be nervous for the first couple of ceremonies so don't worry if you are. Good luck!
  12. Whatever works for the couple (as they have the final say) should work! Ask them.
  13. It looks like a license was required prior to 1996, but that statute has been deleted.
  14. It may depend on the state you are in. Minnesota recently changed its law so that you now have to be 21 to officiate a marriage! Prior to that you could have been any age and officiated.