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About twilightschild

  • Birthday 08/07/1962

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  • Location
    Sunny Florida

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  • Interests
    To many to list...but reading,writing all kind of music,sitting in the sun,animals,politics and I am a huge clean freak.
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  • Occupation
    Spiritual healing and security and care giver
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  1. Excellent choice and well deserved for sure!! CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!
  2. I felt the same way Luvs (although I do love Johnny)but after reading your post Joe I will be seeing this.I loved the first one (although I do love Gene Wilder too).
  3. and he fought so hard,bless him my prayers and heart goes out to his family. Love you Luther, you will be missed!
  4. Another EXCELLENT site THANKS!! I added this one too.
  5. EXCELLENT THANKS !!! Added this to my favorites.
  6. Let me know what you think please and thank you,I like a review before I buy so if you like I might consider.She has one on animals that I am getting next. Has anyone read that yet?? The dream one is my first purchase by her,Its taken me awhile o.k. many years to warm up to her.I do believe in her and have for many many years which wasn't my problem its her abrasive and attuide that I have had a hard time with.But as I have watched her more and more I now understand to the why she is like that (she doesn't like to repeat herself)cant blame her there.Watched time and time again John Edwards do the same. Anyone ever read anything by him?I have a couple of his books,very very enlightening and I do like him and believe in him.
  7. I have that book it has helped me interpret my dreams <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I have to say this has got to be one of the BEST dream books I have read,Its helped me so much already and I am only a quarter threw it.(helped so much concerning 9-11,I had told my mom for months ahead that I was picking up vibes about the city and couldnt put my finger on it much less do anything about it then all that happened and felt even worse) Lammkb....your not alone yep I have had to restart books myself.I have the whole collection of Shannara by Terry Brooks (I keep buying them as he puts them out LOL I have to start all over again as this is years of books)
  8. I am reading Sylvia Browne's Book of Dreams (I buy all I can on dreams) so far very imformative and I am also reading How to Be Your Own Therapist by Patrica Farrell,Ph.D. LOL this was a gift that I just got from my girlfriend (also very interesting)what a hint huh,I think she thinks I am a little