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About AmberLF

  • Birthday 07/07/1970

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  • Location
    North Carolina

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    Pagan spirituality, tarot, crochet, reading, chatting
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I'm in my mid-40s, been married 22 years as of Feb '17. I have one grown son. I've been pagan since 1990 in some form or another, starting with what was passing as Wicca at the time.  I've been in and out of several pagan related sites since the mid-90s as well as been in and out of a few social groups locally up until the last few years. I intend to change that very soon but have a few health things to tackle first while I'm studying. 

My early years had be involved through a Presbyterian grandmother, and then through a mission program with the first church during my pre teen years. I spent my teen years floundering a bit as many teens do. By the time I turned 20 I had a few friends who were spiritual, more or less new age and pagan leaning so I'd heard about Wicca and Paganism. That was when I started collecting and reading Wiccan and Pagan book titles, learning various theologies and practical skills along the way. I'm working on securing and solidifying many of those and other skills from here on out and applying the knowledge in service of others.