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Everything posted by John

  1. This was not TEOTWAWKI most people expected. Adding to my playlist.
  2. I certainly would not knock anyone who can thinking critically see the odds are hopeless and through whatever religion beliefs persevere to make it otherwise. Belief and critical thinking are diametrically opposed but it's our actions for which we are judged not the thoughts that lead to them. Structured Analytic Techniques can only get one so far, in hopeless situations a bit of crazy goes a long way. If sheep were over worked, underpaid, and fed a constant stream bullsh!t, they'd probably slaughter the shepherd in short order. Thank God we're civilized. Eh?
  3. Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) is becoming a real problem for nation states. OSINT is undermining the official narrative. Everyone is capable of critical thinking however it takes practice to master it. This whole thread is about giving you the tools to undermine the official narrative. Here's another tool, Open Source Intelligence Tools and Resources Handbook.
  4. First up, Intelligent data analysis : from data gathering to data comprehension. One chapter defines a number statistical terms, understanding the language is first step to avoiding the manipulation. Definition seem on point and dead simple. This book is in the wild if you know where to look. Second up, Strategic intelligence : a handbook for practitioners, managers, and users. Strategic intelligence analysis looks at the big picture. Example, the little picture: The US has reach 50% vaccination! The Big Picture: The US represents 4.9% of the world population and herd immunity requires 90% vaccination of the world population. One of these pictures would lead to a much better strategy in the borderless world of globalization. Also in the wild.
  5. First up, A Tradecraft Primer: Structured Analytic Techniques for Improving Intelligence Analysis. Detailed look at individual stuctured analytical techniques (SAT)covering when to use, value added, methods and an example. (Would bet this is written by RAND.) Second, Restructuring Structured Analytic Techniques in Intelligence. There's a couple of useful tables in this paper pairing SAT with the bias it addresses.
  6. Hi, I'm just a member but I did point out your post using the report option to Administration. Might try that yourself. I haven't had much reason to contact the church but it does take them a few days to respond to an email YMMV. They do have a phone number but I never had reason to use it: +1 209-852-6562. Automated system ... ? Hope you can get this resolved.
  7. Structured analytic techniques for intelligence analysis / by Richards J. Heuer, Jr., and Randolph H. Pherson. ISBN 978-1-60871-018-8 LCN: JK468.I6H478 2010 DDN: 327.12—dc22 Not cheap new as it is used as textbook.
  8. A nice read from the Central Intelligence Agency on Structured Analytical Techniques. Tradecraft Primer: Structured Analytic Techniques for Improving Intelligence Analysis
  9. Not easy finding this image from the first video even with the book.
  10. A bit of news, from Janes, about a new USAF "Spectrum Warfare Wing". That's full spectrum dominance speak. Eglin Air Force Base has a couple special operation groups so maybe they won't be operating within the US.
  11. 60% to 70% of young people (<18 years old) are getting less than 7 hours of sleep which makes them prime targets for manipulation. Another video, this one from Janes which is used through out the national security community for their Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) products.
  12. We are bombarded with information much of it designed to scare us or piss us off. If you're one of those that stray from your bubble then you probably found conflicting information too. So you're probably scared, angry and confused ... congratulations! You're a freethinker. So I'm going to collect resources about structured analysis in this thread. Starting with this video from the SANS Institute which goes over some of common mental traps we can encounter in our thinking and number of structured analytical techniques outside of analysis of competing hypothesis. But if you take nothing else away from this video remember thinking clearly requires adequate sleep.
  13. Stefan Molyneux? Closed minded Atheists ... Good example.
  14. Should have used the word "more" ... a lot more breathwork. Though I did have some progress, woke up dreaming the phone was ringing this morning.
  15. I ever get this inflammation down I'll be doing a lot of breathwork.
  16. Never loved my teddy bear either. It didn't seem devastated by my lack of affection or the eye I ripped out. Severe disease can cause emotional repression, it's a built-in genetic defense to infection disease. I lost the genetic lottery when it comes to emotions. 2019 was the only year I felt much anything out of my 52 years. Lower inflammation enough and surprise! Feelings. Dreams ... though my therapist called them nightmares while smiling ear to ear. Oh, a slight startle response too. Almost human. I'm in the top 1% of the emotional quotient but sure not because I have deep understanding of my own feelings. If enlightenment requires feelings yep I'm disqualified at least for now. Maybe 2022 I'll feel the rage again. Working on it.
  17. I'm no saint. It's not my place to forgive people. If they give me the same respect I've given them, they have surpassed my expectations. Fail me and I'll introduce them to the words "no" and "door". Too sick for anything but the Middle Path. I have loved a few cats. If I ever shed a tear for another human, I'll be sure to update the thread. Thankfully, compassion is a calculation and IMO works better without emotional basis or high expectations.
  18. Pragmatism and the Path ... It is the way. When I look to those around me, I see the suffering and ask myself what can I do? Sometime it's not much, visiting someone in the hospital or taking someone groceries or maybe just answering the phone. It's not much to me but to them it's can mean a great deal. A light switch, a dimmer? How about a spark? So small and quick you'd miss if you blink. Moving from person to person by a simple question "I see suffering, what can I do?" Lead, follow or get out of the way. <--- I like cats.
  19. Are you asking the right question? We're flooded with information these days. So we sometimes forget, all the information in the world is totally useless if we are not asking the right question. What is enlightenment? That's not an actionable question. It's a scholarly question, one could spend a lifetime asking. I get the feeling you're already well read on the subject. So ask a question that leads you somewhere? Look to those around you, what would Buddha do? We don't tend to remember the scholars, we remember the people who made a difference in the world. Buddha is still relevant go on 2,600 years? He must've done a lot more than sit around with his buddies asking, "What's enlightenment?" He made an impression that's out lived him by a couple of millenniums. The right questions can change the world. The decisions made determine whether or not it's for the better.
  20. Yes, I done the breathwork too and prefer it to thoughts and feelings. Breathing I can do, how I feel is anyone's guess. My buddy does the breathwork and is a great guide.
  21. Most of my meditation has been of the mindfulness sort found in various cognitive behavioral therapies as you might be able to guess from my definition. I did find mindfulness meditation rather confusing till I did it with others. I have a friend, who's a practicing Buddhist of 3 or 4 decades, I do enjoy when he leads meditation. However, I sit quietly by myself ... It's called a nap. It's usually refreshing too.
  22. I'll have share that one with my friends. It brought a smile to my face way earlier than normal.
  23. The economics of an advance degrees has always favored the individual who skipped it and went straight to work. Even before it cost an arm, a leg and your first born to get one. Hierarchy is usually not meant to lift individuals up but keep those at the top in control of those below. Ever notice how those we look to as examples of enlightenment were usually not looking down their nose at anyone? Not sure meditation leads to less mayhem. I see meditation as the practice of being aware of one's own thoughts and the accompanying emotions and I'm pretty sure that's how every revolution starts. Give the people enough time to think about how they feel and they'll see the rat race for what it is.