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  1. Sophia, you are correct. Friendship is a two way street. If the other person is not willing to put the effort then they are not really your friend.
  2. Sophia and Rev V, those people sound like complete douche bags. You two are better off without them. People like that are not worth your time.
  3. My favorite is the Tao Te Ching. I do not consider myself a Taoist but I do non the less find the information very useful and practical.
  4. You must have forgotten, tradition puts Mary somewhere around 13 or 14 years of age when Joseph married her. I guess that means Joseph too was a sexual predator and a pedofile?
  5. Not really, my luck though is Im wrong and will come back as a roach.
  6. Welcome to the ULC forum. It is our sincerest wish you find topics and information useful to your personal search for Spiritual Truth, on whichever path that may be. We hope your time spent with us becomes a true investment in your Self. If you have any question at all, please, just ask! Any of the Moderators or Admins will happy to help. Blessings of Peace, Al