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About ManangCam

  • Birthday 03/10/1950

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  • Location
    Marina, Ca

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  • Interests
    Transgender Public Speaker, Airsoft, Society for Creative Anachorism.
    Current member of our city's CERT (Community Emergency Response Team).
  • Doctrine /Affiliation
    Roman Catholic

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  1. I don't think you'll have to worry about dog/cat poop, since the body would not be of flesh, but of a memory that brings back happy times in your life. The shape may be of your favorite dog/cat that brought you happyness, and since we too would be the embodyment of a spiritual being, we also don't have to worry about us pooping and peeing in heaven also..... Besides, I don't think God has enough rolls of "Charmin Bathroom Toilet Paper" to clean the trillions more souls coming in. - LOL
  2. Hi, I"m a CERT (Community Emergency Response Team) Division Section Chief. In times of a city wide disaster or a county wide one (Tornados, Earthquakes, etc., etc.) we would be activated to look for survivors. Sometimes we may come upon the dead and dying. So as our Division Chief, and now a Reverend with the ULC, can anyone tell me what type of prayers, I can say to the dead or seriously injured when called to use my skills as a minister? Rev. Cam
  3. Not that kind of voice, just feelings that somethings are worth sacrificing for.... NOW if I got one of those booming voices, burning bushes, I'd say I was in trouble. No those voices are just gut feelings that tell me that maybe its time....
  4. Hey Suzanne; its nice to hear I'm not the only RC in the group. I too am a renegade Catholic being born in the church to Filipino Parents. Anyway, I've felt that there are other voices calling me spiritually.
  5. Well its because the RCC doesn't like their members being ordained in a church, since the RCC doesn't recognize the ULC. But, according to some other folks like Dr. Amy, she told me that several Catholics have asked to be removed from the official rolls, because of the issue with the Church. Now, I take a different approach, To me its not important whether the RCC gets rid of me, but they can't take my faith away. Besides I"m not supposed to Cookie Cut the theology of the Church because I don't like certain parts, or say that I'm as faithful, but don't like the Pope's policy, because to the very conservative (you know the ones who were in the "Da Vinci Code"), I'd be labeled as a Heretic..... Rev. Cam
  6. I once heard this in Catholic School, after a student asked one of the Nuns. She said "Dogs go to heaven"... Now before all of you decided to burn me in oil, because there isn't anything that officially says this in the Bible, especially the Protestants, and probably Baptists, I would say yes. Now we all know that all dogs and cats, to include plants?, all have some type of soul; but Its not the same type we're used to having such as a sould that can be cleanse of sin by prayer, and the power of the Confessional. Their souls can't appreciate the body and the blood of jesus, and the salvation that was promised to us. However, God in his infinite wisdom created creatures that bring us pleasure, such as dogs, cats, and other creatures. Since God wants us to be happy in heaven, then yes that favorite dog or cat that brought us happiness in the mortal world will be raised again to accompany us in our long unending journey. Like one of my old Nuns said, GOD can do anything he wants, and so why not resurrect a favorite dog or dogs that once brought us happiness on this world So YES, all dogs go to heaven as do cats, mice, rats, birds, and even your favorite snake.
  7. I don't think I'm that worried about Excommunication, since this is a man-made law instituted by the Pope's to keep the faithful in line. Now I don't doubt that a Roman Catholic would face sacntions by their own Bishop, but if you can still go to mass, and don't take the Sacraments; which is even interesting because in our Church, when its time to take Communion, you can get a blesing from the priest, and still not take Communion. So the threat of Excommunication is really a ploy to get weaker willed Catholics to toe the line, which may work in a heavily attended Catholic Country... Rev. Cam
  8. Hi being a Roman Catholic, I had wondered whether I was gong to be excommunicated for being a minister in the ULC. After hearing both sides of the coin, one from a very conservative Catholic Magazine with all of their exports who told me that I was in grave mortal sin for becoming a ULC Minister. I even talked to Amy at ULC.NET, and she told me she didn't have too much information, so today I asked a good Priest friend of the family at a parade. What he told me is that "SO Long as I'm not representing the Catholic Church I should do fine. He didn't think me wearing a bright blue Clergy shirt to Sunday Mass would be appreciated by our Pastor Fr. Paul, but he said go ahead and do it.... So today I found a message from the Conservative Catholic Magazine who told me in so many words, that I was going to burn in Hell, and I had committed a grave sin against the Roman Catholic Church.... So my answer, I really don't care what they think. I have a calling in God's own mysterious ways, and I don't fear about being excommunicated from the church. Since I'm a Baptized Catholic and went through Confirmation, its hard to throw me out of the church since I have been blessed with the "Holy Spirit" (Third person of the Trinity).... But I won't be able to receive the body and blood of Christ... to which I"m not afraid of not getting....
  9. Would this be the same ceremony that I can use for a wedding set in the middle ages if called up to do one? Rev.Cam
  10. For ministers who only do weddings and don't have a church; what type of legal contract do I need between the parties getting married and the Minister/Officiant doing the wedding? I see a lot of contracts; but they' re mostly concerned with using their own church and property; but nothing that I've seen is where a minister w/o a church has a binding contract with the wedding party.
  11. Just what are the legal requirements for a "Handfasting Rite of Marriage"? Someone posted a Handfasting rite on the forum, and after searching the information within the ULC I found that this has been explained. Since we are a non-denominational church, and I'm from California; just how do I justify a Handfasting Rite in one of the 58 counties of California.
  12. What can you say, that you haven't said in 45 to 60 minutes? I find that a long service (old Catholic Services prior to Vat II) was hard. With today's younger members, all they want is what I would call sound bites. Sure its nice to bring "Fire & Brimstones" into the picture, and rant and rave about today's ills in the world, but take it from a parent who's had children.... Children tune you out after 30 minutes, and a two hour service is just punnishing everyone. So in a two hour service, are you there now to hear yourself talk, or to make an impact? Rev. Cam
  13. Okay, I'm over the Communion question, so this is a generic one that is hopefully easy to answer. When you hold your first interfaith service for the first time; is there a general guideline on what steps go into putting a service together, or what do each of you do to make our services turn out for the best? Rev Cam
  14. Welcome to the ULC forum! We're glad you could join us! It's always a pleasure to meet new people, thus new perspectives, regardless which Spiritual Path suits your needs. It is our sincerest desire that you find comfort, support and understanding through our many diverse views and discussions. Blessings of Peace, Al

  15. Hi, I was recently ordained on August 15, 2013, a nice day. I joined because I was looking for something to do, and have had this feeling about being in service to man. Now I've seen the ULC, and had seen the 1976 "60 Min" expose on the ULC, but on that day, I kind of happened to look at churches and found the ULC website. Well after reading through the material, and watching the video on Conan O'Brien being ordained as a minister, I figured why not. This may be something fun to do. So I joined, but before I actually sent my information I asked my wife, and she said sure; so I joined. However, there is another side to the coin as they say. You see I was born into the Catholic Religion; born to a dad who came from the Philippines in 1925, and to my mom who was a War Bride from the Philippines in 1949, I was born into a religion I had no control of. So for the next 18 years I went to Roman Catholic Church, did all of the sacraments, and more or less became ingrained in the Catholic Religion. However, I never was a real believer, or a staunch cross carrying Catholic. After marrying my wife in 1974, she converted to Roman Catholicism (Methodist), and we had three sons, all of which are now grown. Soon she became a Catholic lay person teaching religion. But there was one big issue, and that was I was a Transgendered individual going from Male to female. We've been married for the last 39 years this coming September 7th, but in the meantime everyone knows of my transition, after my transition I suddenly bloomed from being a scared person afraid to talk about my own transitioni; but now I am a speaker on Transgendered issues. At the same time, I find my old Catholic friends now attending non-denominational services, to include my married son in the AF who with his wife have now found a congregation of younger folks, of all mixed religious affiliations in their non-denominational church. But as for me, within the last ten years; I felt an urge to move, to go out and find a calling, its not a big one where I suddenly find the room filled with a heavenly light, or a voice that says "Follow me"; but one that tells me that I need to search for a place to call my own, one that will let me practice my faith; but in my own way, so here I am. I would like to use my own history as a Transgendered woman to minister to the GLBT members who find that their own churches look down on them, I would like to find a place where I can perform rituals of marriage for both straight and LGBT individuals and their families. I find that the idea of me, as a woman who has reached her own pinnacle of growth as a Transgendered woman would now like to turn her energies to something that is the basis for who we are, and hat is the spiritual health of all. I may not have my own congregation (I really hate to be in charge of a church), but as Christ went out to the hinterlands to preach, I find that maybe I can do the same thing, and work among the people where I live, and minister to them. I'm sure my pastor at our church will be alarmed at what I'm doing, but then; many people in the Jewish faith at the time of Christ were also alarmed at this so-called Carpenters son preaching a gospel that was as enriching, and helped filled people with hope. So here I am; Rev. Cam Garcia...