I myself became ordained for a number of reasons; but most notably to officiate the joining of two of my closest friends. A best friend of many, many years and his lovely fiance, whom I have come to know almost as closely as a sister. They are the couple that introduced me to my own shining light, my wife, the love of my life. I have always considered myself a spiritual person, and even spent time working in two very different clergies in my younger years. Growing up, I was told by friends, loved ones and even those not familiar to me that I was blessed with wisdom and understanding well beyond my years. That mindset often cultivated situations in which my outlook was sought for guidance. As I grew up though, I wanted to gain exposure to the many religious offerings the world had to offer. Not only was I fascinated by the multitude of differing practices, but that fascination and open-mindedness ultimately drove me to my current understanding and the influence I have received by the many overlapping ideals. I found The Universal Life Church and found that its beliefs and understandings were that of my own. That the acceptance of others and the indelible expansion of goodwill are the ideals around which all religious beliefs should center.