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About sotik

  • Birthday January 5

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    Everywhere yet nowhere

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    photography, cooking
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    Glorified Lackey

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  1. Alas, I won't be visiting her. From the moment I picked her up from the street, she's been crazy in doggy-love with me. I think she will have adapted by now, but I don't expect in this instance it'll have been easy.* I don't want to further confuse the situation by showing up periodically. * Her attachment has been such that she never strayed more than 30 feet from me (and even that took months to get that far) and on the few occasions I was unable to come home at nights (army stuff or out of town for work) she spent every night pacing the house back and forth looking for me almost all night long, getting almost no sleep. So I expect in this circumstance, she'll have a little separation anxiety, and it will be better to go cold turkey with a new loving family.
  2. The Betty saga has ended. She is now with a family of animal lovers (to include two young boys and a girl) who just bought a new house with a large fenced yard. The family seemed nice and the wife asked all the right questions before I could. While Betty was understandably scared and will likely be sad for a few days, I'm confident that in a short amount of time she will enjoy her new home and be a loved member of her new family for a long time.
  3. Unfortunately, I'll have to take her to a shelter...I've been unsuccessful in finding a new home for her - I hope they have better luck
  4. Thank you everyone for taking the time to try to find a good home for her. I appreciate that. Hopefully I can find her a good home soon.
  5. Hello! "sotik has no profile comments yet. Why not say hello? "

  6. Hi Sotik. Methinks I have a different name now as well. I am the current incarnation of Jonun.

  7. Not a lot. You? (I have no idea how this comment thing works. Or anything, for that manner. Man, things are different.)

  8. I have yet to see this. Everyone says I need to. I even have the opportunity to see it on IMAX for free. But, the preview I saw just didn't make it seem like it'd be interesting or worthwhile.