reverend irma
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Everything posted by reverend irma
Memorial For Dickie
reverend irma replied to reverend irma's topic in Good Wishes, Gratitude, Blessings and Prayers
Thanks to all for your kindness and support. Kingfisher, that was beautiful. Thank you for sharing. I will pass this song along to my family in hope that it will comfort them as much as it has me. -
Hi Vicki,
I believe the topic you are referring to is The choice to be in the Spirituality section.
Thank you for your kindness, It's good to see you. I hope you enjoy your time here.
Peace and Blessings
So many times I have heard a news report of neighbors calling police because of a foul smell coming from an apartment and then a body is discovered. I have always wondered why some one wasn't alerted before the decomposition progressed to such an extent. Where was the decedant's family and friends? On the 25th of January, I received a call from my brother alerting me that my cousin had been found this way. His body was so badly decomposed that the coroner could not determine cause of death without an autopsy. My cousin, Dickie, named after his father, is the first born son of my mother's youngest sister, Mary. He was born in the same year my younger sister was born. We saw each other quite frequently through out our child hood as we lived in close proximity of each other. We spent all the holidays together. My sister went to school with Dickie, and we even stayed with his younger brother and sister when our Aunt Mary went out. We lost touch in our adult years, the last time I saw him was at my mother's wake in 2006. I have been so involved in my own life that I really haven't thought about him, until yesterday. The news of his death, compounded with the details of how he was found, has had a profound effect on me. I have been unable to think of anything else. I struggle to keep myself focused in the now, and yet I am flooded with memories as if I were a child again visiting my aunt Mary and cousins Dickie, Paul and Becky. I remember the outings to Hond Pond in Woburn, the summer barbacues by their pool, the holidays and the late night talks when we would all gather in the kitchen with coffee and cake...and I keep thinking, what, how, why? As if I cannot grasp the reality of the situation. I remind myself of my spiritual beliefs that death is merely a transition, but its a poor comfort that doesn't take the sting away from the image of my cousin laying dead in his apt for days before being discovered, or of his body in such an advanced state of decay an autopsy was required to determine the cause of his death. (Which has not been revealed to me). These are all practical and common procedures in such instances, but not in this case, in this case the decomposed body is my cousin, he has a name and a face and a personality and it suddenly doesn't seem so practical or common. It seems like I am in living in a night mare There is no church I go to, so I came here, to share my experience with you and ask for your healing thoughts on behalf of my aunt, uncle and cousins who must find some way of coping with this tragedy. In peace and faith, Irma
Baby, its cold outside
A Question Of Intelligent Design
reverend irma replied to reverend irma's topic in Stories & Texts Archive
I don't know what is going on there. I haven't been here in a while. Do you miss her? I think you are getting paranoid. -
A Light Unto The World
reverend irma replied to reverend irma's topic in Creative Expression & Cultural Arts
Saying it does not make it so, does not make it false, either -
A Light Unto The World
reverend irma replied to reverend irma's topic in Creative Expression & Cultural Arts
I agree, but I have had days when everything seemed to go wrong, and I was on the receiving end of alot of negative energy. At a time like that, being treated with consideration by one passing stranger can make all the difference in the quality of the over all day. I consider that healing energy. It won't cure cancer, but it made the day better. -
A Light Unto The World
reverend irma replied to reverend irma's topic in Creative Expression & Cultural Arts
A Light Unto The World
reverend irma replied to reverend irma's topic in Creative Expression & Cultural Arts
You have lost me completely here. I have been speaking about my journey, yes. but, I would be happy to listen as you discuss yours. -
A Light Unto The World
reverend irma replied to reverend irma's topic in Creative Expression & Cultural Arts
I will be 51 in March. For 50 years I have lived allowing my ego and automatic programming to lead me. I haven't cared if I hurt anyone's feelings as long as I spoke my truth. I fought every sacrifice I had to make, I resented and hated my fellow man to the extent that I would want certain members of the species dead. I think 50 years of living like that is enough. The goal I have in mind requires a 100% committment on my part. I cannot be a part time spiritualist. I wouldn't want to be. I enjoy the freedom too much. I understand the ad nauseum and laughed out loud when I read it. I know what it is to cling to our humanness when we perceive that that is all there is. Because I have experienced the infinity that waits beyond the human experience, I do not value the human experience as highly. Note I said I do not value THE human experience very highly. There are humans I value, however. (Just didn't want any confusion there.) Do you need a barf bag? -
A Light Unto The World
reverend irma replied to reverend irma's topic in Creative Expression & Cultural Arts
True, we all do this. Again, it is a human characteristic. But, on my journey I need to be mindful of the weight of my verdicts. Often I find I criticize others for things that I am guilty of myself. This isn't justice, in my mind, for if I cannot ween a particular inclination from my behavior, I have no right to judge another for the same inclination. In my mind, this makes understanding myself to be of paramount importance. For if I can understand myself, I may be that much closer to understanding you and (hopefully) that understanding will lead to peace. -
A Light Unto The World
reverend irma replied to reverend irma's topic in Creative Expression & Cultural Arts
I agree with you in your surmation of the "heal every heart" statement", I don't interpret it literally so much as philosophically. I am not capable of healing you, I can, however, assert myself to be mindful that I do not add injury to your wound. For instance, you and I are strangers. We know nothing about one another's hearts. You may be happy, or you could be in heartbreak. I don't know and it is not my place to know so the best way I can honor your feelings is to not cause you pain. In my mind it is like that saying, and I am probably misquoting but it goes something like this: smile at everyone, it may be the only smile they see today (?) and my smile may bring comfort. Or perhaps, by saying please and thank you, I have brought comfort into someone's heart and "healed it" just a little. In allowing another person to live their truth, I am honoring their truth. I don't have to take their truth as mine, I merely have to live and let live. In allowing another person to believe in their own God, I am honoring that God. It isn't adoring their God as we think of adoring, but it is also not maligning thier beliefs. It is accepting the right to individuality. When I see the statement "provide every person's need" I understand this as our need to be accepted too. I do not take it literally. To presume everyone's holiness, in my mind, is to acknowledge that we are equal in our relationships to our God(s). I am no more holy than you are. Produce every person's blessing is the easiest one for me. My interpretation of this is the same as "heal every heart". We all share the common need that we want to be loved. Even those who will defy this at the very least want to be recognized. Through the acceptance of others, I feel I recognize everyone, which I feel generates acceptance, which is translated to positive energy which is healing. -
A Light Unto The World
reverend irma replied to reverend irma's topic in Creative Expression & Cultural Arts
I have no desire to throw my arms around everyone and take their problems home with me, or to support every decision they make, of financially support them either. I have no desire to listen to their incessant chatter about things that do not concern me or to wait on them hand and foot. I do, however desire to be gentle, respectful and non-contentious. In other words, to assume a peaceful demeanor and to extend compassion and kindness to all. In other words, I aspire not to start arguments or fights. Do I stand up when I perceive an injustice? Yes. But, because of my journey, I try to choose my battles carefully. I put my health first, which is affected by my energy feild. I do not see all contention as a call to battle. Many conversations here turn contentious however, I do not feel that engaging in a heated debate validates my truth. I do not feel clean, nor do I feel my truth is more true merely because I won an argument, or got in the last word. My truth is true for me, and that is enough. It doesn't matter if my truth is true for some one else. Live and let live. Have I explained my pov well enough? I also speak the truth. I believe in the truth, and it can make you "clean". However, I believe it takes wisdom to know when to tell someone the truth, and when it is necessary to allow someone to learn a truth for themselves. Sometimes we cannot learn truth by hearing it. Sometimes we have to experience it. For me, I find when I experience truth, it is a deeper, richer understanding then the surface comprehension that occurs from the auditory experience of hearing truth. -
A Light Unto The World
reverend irma replied to reverend irma's topic in Creative Expression & Cultural Arts
which one is impossible or are you saying all are impossible? Before I embarked on my spiritual journey, I was very cynical. Some of this anger over flows in my posts, which is truly embarrassing, but a good wake up call that I am not paying attention. Anyway, during my cynical bouts when I am consumed with negative energy, I used to scoff at the idea of "love every body", a phrase my father said often before his illness. Now, however, I have a different take on "love, everybody." The spiritual sense of love isn't the gooey, sentimental, wishy washy love, it is a state of being unencumbered by emotional attachment. When we aspire to "love everybody" from a spiritual perspective, we are merely being accepting, kind and tolerant. To my cynical mind, this is much easier to handle and much easier to adapt as my own state of being. Excruciatingly hard sometimes, but worth the agony because the times that I do apply the spiritual philosophy of "love everybody", my energy feild feels cleaner. I don't know if any of you can relate to this, but for me, when I think, speak or act, from my "humanness" which is angry, cynical, and self-serving, I am left feeling that I have corrupted the integrity of my spirit. This is why I return to this forum in humility and ask forgiveness for my transgressions. I want to clear my energy feild. I do not want the pains, sorrows or the ugliness of hate, or anger to soil me. I also do not want to be responsible for "soiling" any one else's energy feild either, as this would just come back to me. I want to reach the etheral plane where I can become one with the state of lovingness, and when I interact with others, I want to leave this state with them. -
A Question Of Intelligent Design
reverend irma replied to reverend irma's topic in Stories & Texts Archive
You had me all confused. First I went to page 8 and read everything then it finally dawned on me, post #8 In post #8 I was answering a response GT posted in response to my original query. (which seems long ago.) I haven't looked for her post as I was confused enough just trying to find #8. (I am so amazing, I confuse myself) I guess if its not here it was deleted by an admin along with her avatar. I haven't checked her page. Is it there? Posted this then took a look at GT's page which is still up. Can't find the post your referring to though. Funny. The locked post is up though. I wish some one would delete that. -
I woke up this morning at 5:30 with an amazing rush of euphoric energy, which I believe to be a revelation. I started hearing a phrase repeat itself gently in my head. I've heard the words before and immediately associated them with the bible but this time, I actually understood their meaning. With this understanding came more insight about the language of the bible, the meaning behind the words and the relevance to the period of time when the scriptures were written. The phrase that played in my head was "Be a light unto the world." I don't know the bible word for word, so I went online to look up the phrase. I found a lot of scripture referencing the light of love, the light of truth, God's light and the light of Jesus but not the actual sentence "Be a light unto the world" The many links I followed, however, led me to a site that posted spiritual quotes and it was within a quote by Neal Donald Walsch that I found the phrase: Neale Donald Walsch in Conversations With God, Book 2 Wrote: Neale: "How can I begin to be a part of the new consciousness?" Neale channelling "God," hereforth to be referred to simply as "God": "Be a light unto the world, and hurt it not. Seek to build, not to destroy. Bring my people home." Neale: "How?" God: "By your shining example. Seek only Godliness. Speak only in truthfulness. Act only in love. Live the law of love now and forevermore. Give everything. Require nothing. Avoid the mundane. Do not accept the unacceptable. Teach all who seek to learn of Me. Make every moment of your life an outpouring of love. Use every moment to think the highest thought, say the highest word, do the highest deed. In this, glorify your holy self and thus too glorify Me. Bring peace to the Earth by bringing peace to all those whose lives you touch. Be peace. Feel and express in every moment your divine connection with the All, and with every person place and thing. Embrace every circumstance. Own every fault. Share every joy. Contemplate every mystery. Walk in every man's shoes. Forgive every offense including your own. Heal every heart. Honor every person's truth. Adore every person's God. Protect every person's rights. Preserve every person's dignity. Promote every person's interests. Provide every person's needs. Presume every person's holiness. Present every person's greatest gifts. Produce every person's blessing. And pronounce every person's future, secure in the assured love of God. Be a living, breathing example of the highest truth that resides within you. Speak humbly of yourself lest someone mistake your highest truth for a boast. Speak softly, lest something think you are merely calling for attention. Speak gently, that all might know of love. Speak openly, lest anyone think you have something to hide. Speak candidly so you cannot be mistaken. Speak often, so that your word may truly go forth. Speak respectfully that no one be dishonored. Speak lovingly that every syllable may heal. Speak of Me with every utterance. Make of your life a gift. Remember always you are the gift. Be a gift to everyone who enters your life, and to everyone who's life you enter. Be careful not to enter another's life if you cannot be a gift. You can always be a gift because you always are the gift. Yet something you don't let yourself know that. When someone enters your life unexpectedly, look for the gift that person has come to receive from you." I anticipate that this post will draw alot of flack from some here, but for those who have borne witness to similiar illuminating experiences, I wanted to share mine. We can hear something any number of times, but the understanding that comes with enlightenment is a totally different level of comprehension that impacts our energy feild in a profound and uplifting way, bringing it a surge of renewed positive energy. I feel I have been "touched by God", as we all are when that quiet voice speaks, and we understand the message we are being given.
A Question Of Intelligent Design
reverend irma replied to reverend irma's topic in Stories & Texts Archive
Thank you so much, Blackthorn, I will check those links out. Both are new to me! -
A Question Of Intelligent Design
reverend irma replied to reverend irma's topic in Stories & Texts Archive
Yes. I believe we create what we think about. If we believe we will go to heaven and sit on the right side of Jesus (a belief of my catholic aunt), I believe we will indeed experience this. If we believe there is nothing beyond the physical existence, we will not experience an after life. The only variables that occur to change this are dependant on the state of mind we are in when we die, and how strong our belief is. For instance, we may believe in the concept of heaven, yet if we die violently, in shock, the mind may be caught in a freeze frame of this emotion, and the result would be a recurrence of the event (a residual haunting). -
Are You Responsible For Your Thoughts And Dreams?
reverend irma replied to Fawzo's topic in Philosophy & Theory
Har Har. I only became a vegetarian recently. Sorry, no cheeseburgers here. -
I usually don't make new years resolutions but have made one this year and was wondering if anyone else made any. Lots of time to think as I watch the snow pile up here in MA.
A Question Of Intelligent Design
reverend irma replied to reverend irma's topic in Stories & Texts Archive
I agree with Rev Rainbow But would also add: -
A Question Of Intelligent Design
reverend irma replied to reverend irma's topic in Stories & Texts Archive
I love dogs. I have a mini schnauzer and I think animals in general (but especially dogs) make the world a beautiful place. I often reflect on my life as if this were my last day here, and I ponder what would I miss? I would miss my babies. My cats and dogs. I do not want to live without them. Somewhere, on this forum, not this particular post, I gush about animals but I will happily repeat. They are born innocent and are incorruptable. They die as pure as they are born. Look into their eyes and you will see the proof of this yourself. They are untainted, pure of spirit, uncomplicated and a total joy. -
A Question Of Intelligent Design
reverend irma replied to reverend irma's topic in Stories & Texts Archive
It's not that I don't understand physics, Rev Rainbow, as much as I didn't bother to research before posting I didn't understand. The dual statement is perceived because 1. I didn't research and 2. Scientists can only prove things to the best of their understanding. Science is always making new discoveries which point to new directions, often changing original assumptions. I am happy agreeing to disagree with those whose beliefs differ than my own. In the end, I believe we all wind up where we spent our whole lives imagining we would, by virtue of the creative thought process. i.e if we believe in something, we create this belief as an imprint and it takes form and shape in the etheral plane where we will go to once we leave our vessel.