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About jkp

  • Birthday 10/29/1981

Helpful Information

  • Gender
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  • Location
    North Highlands, CA

Friendly Details

  • Interests
    Writing, reading, knitting, crochet, herbalism, movies, music, beading, making candles and soap, cooking, playing with my cats
  • Doctrine /Affiliation
    Daemon-Centric Panentheist with Heathen Tendencies

Other Details

  • Occupation
    Slave of the State
  • Website URL

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jkp's Achievements

Honorable Friend

Honorable Friend (6/17)

  1. Yep. My cats are my kids, so they're always included in the response.
  2. I loved the books. I haven't read any since...I think Friendship with God, but...it was the first time I'd ever read anything like that and it had a profound effect on me.
  3. Green Day's Good Riddance (Time of Your Life) Which will also be played at my funeral.
  4. My own. The others just provide guidance.
  5. My original statement was that as long as no one else was physically harmed, people should be allowed to do what they want. In the above situation, someone else is being physically harmed (the child), therefore no, the parents shouldn't be allowed to do what they want.
  6. I have and my response is still the same. My view may not be the popular one but that is why I put that qualifier in there *IMHO.* Yes, things done during pregnancy can have a negative effect on the future born child. Such is life. The second we give rights to the fetus to be free of drugs and alcohol (using the most common example that is known to cause sometimes severe problems) we begin edging closer to giving the fetus more rights than the woman. And that, again IMHO, is not acceptable.
  7. Yes, no restrictions to both. As long as they aren't physically harming anyone else (and IMHO, a fetus does NOT count), then they should be allowed to do whatever they want.