The Big Eight Oscars, 2006


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Best Picture: Crash

I picked Brokeback Mountain.

Best Director: Ang Lee, for Brokeback Mountain

I picked Ang Lee.

Best Actor: Philip Seymour Hoffman, for Capote

I picked Philip Seymour Hoffman.

Best Actress: Reese Witherspoon, for Walk The Line

I picked Reese Witherspoon.

Best Supporting Actor: George Clooney, for Syriana

I picked George Clooney.

Best Supporting Actress: Rachel Weisz, for The Constant Gardener

I picked Rachel Weisz.

Best Screenplay (based on material previously published): Brokeback Mountain

I picked Brokeback Mountain.

Best Screenplay (written directly for the screen): Crash

I picked Good Night And Good Luck.

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Film freaks? It seems not. Freaks? Quite clearly. :shades2:

It also seems obvious that the conservative position clearly won in HollyWeird this year....even Jon Stewert was even-handidly moderate.

Jon is an equal opportunity satirist. He is always moderate. If he seems liberal to you, it is because you are conservative. Course, the term Hollywierd would probably have hinted at that anyway..

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