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I highly urge you all to folow this link and take the time to view these free movies. Spaicificly the "Loose change" videos.... Though, be forwarned, the questions, and some answers, found in these videas WILL challange most of your personal paradigms.. THESE are the questions that the mass media and the administration dont want you ask, or to even KNOW to ask! So if you are one of the die hard sheeples, being led to goosestep to whatever you are told by the powers that be, you have been WARNED! Dont blame ME if these videos cause a total cranial meltdown... LOL :coffee:

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Guest dirtydog

Yes I've viewed all the video's and clips.

I have my own opinion as to why things happened the way they did but thats all speculation.

I have had an interest in the 9/11 incident since it happened most of the things in these videos I've already seen or read about but there was a few things I didn't know about or didn't think about.

Like how allot of the soldiers are now coming home and the number of troops is decreasing quickly soon they will need a draft to maintain the battle fields but if there is a draft then the people will become outraged and protest so if there was a new terrorist attack on the USA then the citizens will voluntarily fight for there country.

So I fully expect a major attack on america's heart land soon maybe within a year or so but I'm no expert and I'm only guessing.

The fact of the matter is there is allot of unanswered questions that need to be addressed honestly, and promptly. The truth will be known please keep asking questions don't give up and don't accept the lies as truth investigate for yourself.

Be patriotic ask questions.


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Yes I understand.. In fact MOST of us in this nation have known these things for quite some time... I was actualy HOPING that maybe some of those few left who hadnt taken the time to be aware of these issues... or .. maybe.. even some of the 3-4 die hard sheeple who still actualy BELIVE the tripe fed them by the current dictorial ragime would take the time to reach thier own conclusions based on the unanswered questions that abound... (Hey, I can DREAM right?? LOL) :lol:

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