Prayer for my deceased Mother

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Im sorry for your loss.

From the Book of Common Prayer:Unto Gods gracious mercy & protection We commit them.The Lord Bless & keep them,the Lord make his face to shine upon them,& be gracious unto them

The Lord lift up His countenance upon them,& give them peace ,both now & evermore.Amen  


For as much as it has pleased Almighty God of his great mercy to take unto himself  the souls of our dear brothers & sisters here departed,we therefore commit their bodies to the ground/or alternately unto the deep for burial at sea or taking the cremated ashes out to the river,lake ,or sea;;earth to earth,ashes to ashes,dust to dust;in sure and certain hope of the Resurrection to eternal life,thru our Lord Jesus Christ;who shall change our vile body ,that it may be like unto his glorious body,according to the mighty working,whereby he is able to subdue all things to himself.Amen


The Lord Bless & Keep them,& give them eternal life in Heaven Forever more Amen    God be with you Rev Keenan H Bostic

 PS maybe you could get a copy of the book of common Prayer at if you have a credit card or If you dont have a credit card they sell debit cards you can load up to use as a credit card,it helps establish credit history Some big box stores sell loadable credit/debit cards or ,use search engine for one...May the Good Lord Be with you.Amen 

Also,you may find prayer books at the Public Library,ask the Librarian for hjelp ,maybe zerox prayers you may want ,or copy them by hand...Peace /

Edited by revkhbostic
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