Have A Nice Samhain

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Would like to wish all out Pagan and Wiccian ministers and forum members to have a nice Samhain tomorrow.

Hope you have had a plentiful harvest and the spirits coming from the Otherword who are malicious be sufficiently scared off from your turnip lanterns.

Also as it is the time for us to celebrate and pay respect to those friends, family and other loved ones who have died. Don't forget since the veil is thinnest on Samhain to invite those who we cherish that have passed to join in on the festivities.

While not a Pagan or Wiccian myself I will be honoring those friends and family who are no longer with me, along with those who have died for us to protect our freedoms, be it military, police, firefighters, etc...

May God (Gods and Goddesses for those who believe in more then one deity) watch over the spirits of our loved ones who have passed and watch over those of us still living in our mortal shells.

Edited by Rev Trouten
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