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Geesh, them Sabbath fellas are sure getting oooold! I remember passing out half way through "Smoke on the Water" at the Cow Palace, ca. '70-'71 only to wake up being thrown from the back of the my friend's pickup as we careened off the 132 on the way home....I was the only one not seriously injured...yay JD!!.

Johan Hegg, though I don't follow Amon Amarth, I knew I had seen him somewhere before, but couldn't place where. One of the members of our hof sent the trailer for upcoming? Northmen - A Viking Saga. I've searched our local cable but don't find a airing date as of yet. Valli, not the same name of brother "Vili" of Odhinn as you're well aware, but have to wonder of there wasn't an inference.

Well, now having you proven yourself a "metal-head"...jeesh bro Norseman, no wonder your such a "bra kille*" and no, I don't mean the vegetable! :llol:

Blessings Be,

* "great guy" - Swedish

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