Gita Jayanti Day

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Today the Hindu world celebrates the Birth of the Bhagavad Gita. Even though the Bhagavad Gita, better known as the Gita, is not the principle spiritual book of the Hindu religions, it is one of its better known books.

The Srimad Bhagavad Gita is found in the Mahabharata, the World's, longest epic poem. The Gita is seen by many Hindus as the "Word of God" or should I say, as "The Song of God." It is an allegorical dialogue between God (Sri Bhagavan Krishna) and Man (Prince Arjuna).

The Gita is one of the best known books of Hinduism. It is not only venerated by Hindus, but also by people of many other religions. It was the spiritual guide of Mahatma Gandhi, and it has been my intimate companion for over fifty years.

OM Peace Amen!

Hermano Luis

Moriviv161 Hermitage

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Though I am not a follower of the Hindu religion, I do refer to the Bhagavad Gita on a regular basis. Due to it's length, it has taken me many years to merely chisel a small portion off of it in a comparative analysis to other religious texts. However, from what I have learned so far, the message contained therein does correlate with most other religious teachings, in principle, as to how we should treat each other and why our Spiritual quest is a long and arduous journey in the search for our personal truth.

One of my favorite reading sites is Sacred Texts for just about any religious, esoteric, spiritual or even many paranormal books in print. The Gita can be found HERE.

Blessings of Peace,

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