Could A Gnostic "church" Utilize The Book Of Common Prayers?

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As a minister Ordained through the ULC but more so as being new to as I call Christian Gnosticism I am curious if one wanted to start a "church/ministry" based on Christian Gnosticism could the book of common prayer be used to administer such sacraments as baptism, chrism, communion and the others. I am interested to hear others thoughts, as I have looked into the subject in depth and like the idea of one being able to receive the holy sacraments without the pressure of having to belong to the church as a "member." All opinions accepted.

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I do not see why not. I was just reading in my ULC Texbook the following, "The Universal Life Church champions above all else Liberty of Thought..." You have great freedom as an ULC minister. Remember the ULC has one essential doctrine, to do that which is right. "Every person has the right to interpret what is right for themselves, as long as it doesn't interfere with the rights of others" (The ULC Textbook).

Hermano Luis

Moriviví Hermitage

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I believe you might want to check out some of the gnostic liturgies available through a Google search...I love the BCP but it relies heavily on a somewhat Calvinisti/incarnational theology that is not typically indicative of gnostic dogmas I've rum across. Eastern orthodox liturgy with its bent toword the mystic and theosis might be a good alternative.

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