Merry Yule


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As the bright fire of one year passes into the eternal hope of the next I offer Blessings of infinite love to all this season, and for all the new year. May they fall to each in the form you most desire.

Ein frohes Fest und ein friedliches und erfülltes Neues Jahr.


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There is faint music in the night,

And pale wings fanned by silver flight;

A frosty hill with tender glow

Of countless stars that shine on snow.

A shelter from the winter storm,

A straw-lined manger, safe and warm,

And Mary crooning lullabies,

To hush her Baby's sleepy sighs.

Her eyes are rapt upon His Face,

Unheeded here is time and space;

Her heart filled with blinding joy,

For God's own Son--her little Boy!

Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night.

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