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These are links the category moderator has found to be useful and thought it would be a good idea to pass them along!

The originator of this category strongly advocates for homeopathic (natural) remedies for your pet instead of highly potent, sometimes unreported dangers, pharmaceutical remedies. Please be sure you educate yourself before buying any product listed here. The Forum and originator of this topic assumes no liability for the correctness and proper/improper use of any item offered by any of these links.

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This website is the perfect website to review your dog food. Good health starts with nutrition and honestly not even your vets give good advice here unless they've done their own research. Many veterinarians get a kickback for pushing Science Diet, Iams, etc... But those brands are not the best brands despite their outrageous prices. Most supermarket brands have a lot more fillers than they do meat. With this website see what exactly your food is lacking, or what it has that makes it more desirable to feed!

Personally, I like my dog to eat Taste of the Wild. Its a great food at a good price. And you end up feeding less than you would with supermarket brands.

Edited by SalemWitchChild
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