Peace Will Come

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The emptiness of your world is laughable

Pathetic, at least,

As you strive for aquisition, power,

Taking no heed

Of anything that really matters!

Fool! You swirl in discontent

Without a soul, blaming all for your misery

Bringing shame to those who gave you life

And spitting in the face of God

As you covet, steal, and try so hard to rise above

Your self-imposed state of nothingness!

Have you yet realized that your little props

Cannot bring you manhood

You weak little bastard

Who does not have what it takes

To gain by honesty or truth!

But keep on spinning your yarns

Strangle yourself with your own deception

While your little machines head for the junkyard.

So will you- in time, so will you.

For I am indeed mightier than your swords.

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