~ Drunk & Grumpy...


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Watch what words you say

for what you spout can be used another day

it's a crappy dance used to entrance

and crap can fertilize before you realize

the thoughts of others just for bothering a simple spot

not something truly caught or bought by discussion

just the past regurgitated yep Surprise! this day

it's once again in play.

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Dancing fancy and free

I mop up

regurgitation with glee

before the stain sets in

I get out the hose

to wash the smell of crap

out of my nose

as my eyes

witness delusional words

and outright lies

that are swept by my mind

that is perfectly sound

while the song in my ear

is perfectly clear

to keep my heart dancing

on holy ground.

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The vicissitudes of life

Change us

For better or for worse.

You can think of it

As lessons learned

Or consider it a curse.

Your attitude can be


Or become short and terse.

It all depends

On how you want to be


When you leave us in a hearse.


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Don't think much of dying

rather dream of flying

If I go south

and if I'm remembered

It may be for obscenities

spewn from my mouth

or how my body betrays me

with twitches and tics.

If I seem inconsiderate

should I worry my head

about what is said of the dead?

I'm too young to drink

Nothing to calm me

I'm too quick to think

medication won't work

so if I seem like a jerk

you can call it a curse

or a lesson well learned

but tell me

how was it earned?


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  Qryos said:
~ WoW! Guess I sorta opened a slue, huh? Please! Continue!!! Great stuff!

:lol: hey, I was a poet and didn't even know it! You inspire me Qryos!

slinging thoughts like mud

messy and random

only yourself

to go one on one with

Pounding then soothing

emotions locked therein

filthy and dirty

all squeaky clean again

Edited by Torpedo Vegas
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  Qryos said:
~ :shok: I've created a monster! :lol:

... Continue oh my beast! Craft & craft some more! :biggrinthumb:

You're doing marvelously! Really!!! Play with it... Let it pour forth!

As the beast poured forth

his words by craft

in lieu of pulling them

out of his ass

His mind boiled

and seethed within

as he spun in circles

visions spiraled

out from his core

where they lay coiled

Now sprung

in wondrous release

He drew them

and slew them

Tasting first blood

he wanted more

for usually roiled

he had found a great peace.

Edited by Torpedo Vegas
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I know this one isn't very good, but here's to playing in Claire's monster box.

Sweet words they glisten

like tiny droplets

from my lover's lips

Harsh words they cut like

silver daggers

from my enemy's mouth

The first words of a child

so sweet and dear


Words they dance and play

a golden tune

of joy and love

Words they sting and harm

a violent rune


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~ Playing in my monster box? :unsure: {Phil, I know what you're thinking! Don't you even...}

:biggrinthumb: Such wonderfully powerful work! Look at what beauty you've both created :wub:

Don't ever be afraid of any word you know. Embrace every one & know that each has its place.

You have that image, you have that emotion. That is yours to express...

It's your art & soul & heart, that truly YOU part you display

whether joy or dismay, it's your voice, your choice, go ahead & play!

{Just as an aside thing... I've worked with poets to get them published. Just editing assistance.

If anyone wants such, just P.M. me. I work free for friends :friends: }

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  Qryos said:
~ Playing in my monster box? :unsure: {Phil, I know what you're thinking! Don't you even...}

My Lady, I am shocked - SHOCKED - that you would even conceive of such a thing...

The Monster Box sat in the corner

Purple, black and green

It oozed red slime around the top

It truly was obscene

It sat upon a yellow tray

That sparkled silver-gold

And when I tried to touch Claire's Box

My fingers froze from cold

But then, an otherworldly scream

Did issue from that Box

It moaned and groaned and drooled a bit

Then broke off all its locks

A wondrous sight did then appear

(But then, you probably know it)-

The Monster Box was over-filled

With works by Claire, the poet

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Hey, I started calling it the Monster Box! But I was thinking about a giant sand box filled with Word Monsters.

For you dear Claire

The Monster Box

The Monster Box is filled with grains of thoughts

A place for Word Monsters to come and play

Claire opened the Box for us to enjoy

Grains of thoughts sift through our minds

Sand castles, mud fights, dreams of things yet to come!

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Purple, black and green

It oozed red slime around the top

It truly was obscene

~ I gotta say, never, ever! In any way on any day did anyone before think of my box that way! :shok:

... Thank you Flower! Gimme hugs :friends:

~ So, words are turning about

and maybe perhaps giving a Shout!

Z'okay, all crap needs out...


This is so coool...

Please, everyone! Play!!!

I find this marvelous...

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