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Everything posted by Phillipe

  1. Not at all. It's just that having attended more than my fair share of such speeches, I thought I recognized the genre. You have to admit that most monologues delivered to high school and college students are full of sound and fury, but signify nothing except platitudes. I must have missed it then, because I saw everything from drive-by shootings to fear of failure. "oppose violence, speak out against injustice, expose lies and deception, defend the weak, help those in need, and stand up for what is right." Is that the type of good you're referring to? You realize of course that without further elaboration for your audience, you might very well be sentencing some of them to a premature death...if I were to hear this speech, take it to heart, then go out and valiantly strive to do good by, let's say, defending the weak...I might not realize that I don't have all the tools necessary to do so. Did you also mention that sometimes the weak do not WISH to be defended? That helping those in need might very well lead to your enrollment in their very ranks? That the process of exposing lies and deception could very well lead to your physical demise? However much I might admire the intent behind your words, you have to realize that people might interpret them a bit differently than you meant them, which in turn might NOT be good enough when it comes to laying down the chips. Finally, whose definition of "good" are you subscribing to? How about the word "terrorist"? These words are quite loaded with double meanings - to many, the US is a bully, an interloper and a terrorist nation. Who's to say they're wrong? All of your points about violence, injustice, etc. could be and have been applied to the US. Agreed. And, thank you for serving.
  2. Canadians have neither - they have Molsons, eh?
  3. Must be a commencement speech, the tip-off being the "As you head out into society to establish career, home and family" bit. As such, it is filled with wonderful warm fuzzies, but dies a-bornin' from lack of practical advice. "Doing good" is about as specific a directive as "Do no harm" or "Do that which is right". My idea of good might be to work on my vigilante skills and collect scalps of wrong-doers. Which brings to mind a second point. Violence is as necessary at times as good deeds and happy thought. You don't subdue terrorists with pleas and you don't reason with muggers on the street. You take them down fast, THEN worry about socially-conscious ideas and rehabilitative concerns. Anyone who "speaks out against violence and defends the weak" had darn well better have more tools in their pouch than a kind word and a warm smile...
  4. Damn - that actually brought a tear to my eyes.
  5. Hah! "French" Toast, huh? Not just a little co-winky-dink that Canada and France share some language, right? RIGHT??? Heck - let's pull out all the stops - let's get some Canadian bacon, French's mustard and some yummy Mountie Krispy sandwiches too! I'm an elk - it's elk season - fire!!!!
  6. ...sooo... ...we should add that to our sig, so that more people see it, so that more people come over to the Dark Donut Side? I don't think so. Granted, my call for an intervention failed miserably - what did I expect, with you handing out all those free donuts? But I SHALL NOT STOP my crusade against your kind - the sugar-coated shylocks of the world, the cruller creeps, the Krispy Kreme killers, the Fastnacht freaks, all with glazed eyes and gaping donut holes for mouths. This video will explain why so many dastardly and demented donut demons originate in Canada...
  7. That, or excessive donut consumption... I TOLD ya', but noooooooo....
  8. That's what you get for sleeping when souls such as Truth's are being lost to burned bread and runny cheese... FRENCH FRY? Oh, please, no, not THAT! Might as well Super-Size the complete destruction of his soul now and get it done with!
  9. Sadly enough, I've seen this pattern of abuse before... Starts off with the "harmless" snacks...everybody's doing it, right? It isn't as if it's REALLY wrong. Heck, even our parents used to eat the occasional jelly donut. But after a while, that fried delight becomes harder and harder to enjoy. You need something more, something with more bang for the buck. Your neighbors tell of the time they saw you lurking outside Dunkin' Donuts in just a raincoat and sneakers, offering little children $20 (Canadian) if they would just go into the store and bring you a peanut butter and jelly-filled morsel of deliverance. After a while, even THAT shameful display is exceeded...and true to form, Truth has "graduated" to grilled cheese sandwiches. It's a sordid world he finds himself in longer the land of sugar and spice and everything, now he writhes in a bottomless pit of grease and cholesterol, where the tormented souls of former "donut dollies" poke him with infernal tongs, constantly chanting "Is he done? Turn him over...Is he done? Turn him over"... Where will you end up next, Truth? Tacos? Tuna noodle casserole? B&M beans? You're chasing the dragon, my friend, and it hurts enough to see you degrade yourself, but to drag down that poor, innocent, sweet wife of yours, well, I for one won't stand idly by and watch. INTERVENTION TIME, GUYS!!!
  10. ...and she walks around with crullers in her hair...
  11. Why do you think he calls her "Sugar"?
  12. Nice! Although at first, I thought it was about my former mother-in-law...
  13. Hi - just popping in to check on you - haven't seen you on the board lately.

    Hope all is well and that you and your family are enjoying the summer.

  14. A fine piece, M'Lady - and remember: this praise comes from a silver-tongued devil
  15. We'll have to start calling you Dunkin' Very nicely done!
  16. I only realized far too late My poem was much too long Like when the fat lady belts out Her twenty-minute song
  17. While Up and Down I cruised the street No Strange Charm did I find Though I did look from Bottom feet To Top of bald-head mind. My Positrons all gave a spin My Muons all did dance And then my Gluons broke on in While Photons looked askance The Axions and Axinos all gathered in their nest It might be me (We'll wait and see) But I like Squarks the best The Graviscalar Tachyons Were tuning up their Dyons While several random Tardyons Pursued the speedy Luxons So as we see, a quark or three Can be so very stable And form a certain ordered Charm - Like a Periodic Table
  18. *falls at Murph's feet and vows eternal worship*
  19. That's OK - no problem, really! No need to apologize. ...just a few hundred hours of creative toil, flushed down the Johnny...
  20. - Excellent! Lunch for one Is snack for the other One's own Dad Becomes the twin's Mother
  21. Cat, mouse - same Different sides of one beast One goes "meow", one appears tame One becomes, for the other, a feast Murph and his round file Cries at insinuation Little mouse contemplates his Final destination
  22. Well, if it wasn't YOU... ...and it wasn't Rev. Jerry... *suddenly gets very scared *