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Everything posted by sting_of_truth

  1. 1Cr 14:34 Let your women keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted unto them to speak; but [they are commanded] to be under obedience, as also saith the law. 1Cr 14:35 And if they will learn any thing, LET THEM ASK THEIR HUSBANDS AT HOME: for it is a shame for women to speak in the church. 1Cr 14:36 What? came the word of God out from you? or came it unto you only? [now in the caps part it says a woman should ask the husband at home, why not say ask the pastor after the message.. this caps part obviously shows the women were asking their husbands DURING the message. and since women were not as educated as men it goes to show if they had a question they would ask them in the middle of the service, trying not to interrupt, but in reality they were.. if you take the time to ask the question why was this written, then study the culture, problems in the church at corinth, etc. etc. you'll learn something... now thats the historically correct proveable point. but since you can't accept that let me prove you wrong yet another way.. Mat 10:20 For it is not ye that speak, but the Spirit of your Father which speaketh in you. this is the holy spirit using the person as a vehicle, not the woman speaking on her own but the lord speaking through her. now if a woman is given a word and does not bring it before the elder/elders of the church, and once approved share it. then the woman is shutting herself off to the holy spirit and in 1 thessolonians we are told not to quench the holy spirit. 1Th 5:19 Quench not the Spirit. so there you're shown wrong again, biblically, and yet it is not entirely correct because not all things are taken into account.. now i'm turning off my email response thingy..
  2. actually, there is no contradiction between the 2 verses you mentioned in 1st. cor. one verse is speakingabout the use of the spiritual gifts, the second is speaking of unlearned women disrupting a service because they had a question. in those days women sat on one side of the room and men on the other. if a woman had a question she might lean over the isle way and ask her husband, thus disrupting aservice. its not a contradiction, it's a lack of studying on your part. remember what the bible says.. 2Ti 2:15 Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, RIGHTLY dividing the word of truth. as for the septuagaint [sp] you should prolly know there is no such thing, the septuagaint was supposed to be the old testament translated into greek, and had nothing to do with the new testament. but if you look at the requirements that wereto be set down for the translating method used it was never done the way it was supposed to.. so to those who like to speak of the septuagaint always bringing it up, all i got to say is: why do i need a greek old testament when i have a perfectly preserved hebrew masoretic text? have a nice day all, i'm outta this thread before i lose i.q. points.. one thing before i go, if you wanna learn a lil something about the bible, i reccomend the followibng two books an understandable history of the bible and the answer book both by dr. sam gipp. th.d. laterzzzzz
  3. After reading my lASt post i felt it propper to elAborate just A little more on my lAst stAtement.. i Accept every person no mAtter what there belief even though i mAy not Accept their belief As truth.. it's my personAl conviction. it does not meAn i Am condemning anyone. i just don't agree with thAt person 100% and you never will find someone who is 100% agreeable to your beliefs. thAt is why i like ulc it accepts you just As you are. And even if you believe something different it's ok, because the ulc is not here to judge. just to help all peoples in All walks of life to minister in thier own way.. sorry if i confused Anyone.. love you all, and have A blessed dAy. merry christmAs... by the wAy i know mAny of you have kids so i thought i'd post A pic of MY pride and joy...
  4. this just in i recieved yet another email from a religious biggot sAying my ministry And ordination Are garbage becAuse i did not go to a bible college. i agreed with everything the mAn said because we hAve all reAd how long after sAuls salvAtion he stArted ministering. All those yeArs he spent in bible college. acts chApter 9... sAme with isAiah in isAiAh chApter 6.. And with the prince of preachers c.h. spurgeon.. [he never went either] i gave old boy a lesson in the call of god and i'm praying he leArns respect for gods cAlling not A college degree.. i am a christiAn and do not believe in religion. but i also Agree on the fAct that we all must get Along no mAtter what faith/religion we are even if we do not Agree on religion/faith. i feel the need to admit i hAve preAched AgAinst other religions. but it is only done from love. And i do hAve friends thAt are muslim, cAtholic, vArious protestant churches. even though i do not Agree, And even preAch agAinst them i still have them As friends. becAuse there is often times more to the person than their fAith/religion. i hope no one gets mAd At me or hates me for this.. i just felt led of the lord to sAy these things And be honest.
  5. well i'm new to the forums in fAct this is my first post At the ulc forum but i was ordAined by god before i was ordAined by a church.. i was sick of trying to find A way to afford bible college on wAy less thAn minimum wage well the ulc gAve me the hook-up.. now i'm Able to serve the lord As legAlly as someone who spent 30 years at bible college to learn nothing but thAts true with most people from bible college many come out dumber thAn when they went in.. i was sick of serving in the capAcities of A minister without the title or credentiAls. the ulc solved that problem to. And finally i wAs sick of people i ministered to sAying i should become a minister.. do you know how Annoying that is.... but the ulc solved like almost all my problems the only one i got now is ministers or other folk who ridicule me for no formAl training my answer to them is: in isaiAh 6 there wAs not a command to go to college then declAre the message of the lord. there was however a command to go declAre the messAge of the lord. or how about the Appointment in john 15:16 god chose us. or there is the fAct i follow jesus not mAn what he says mAtters more than whAt any degree sAys. so if you ask me if i got A degree i'll say yes i even went to bible college i hAd the best teAcher to, the holy ghost. i Also point out the new testAment does not give the names of any good bible colleges with the exception of the holy ghost.. when led by the holy ghost you cAn Accomplish anything god wAnts... proof of this is last night i was chatting with a girl online who was graduAting from seminAry As A theologiAn, she spent 10's of thousAnds over the yeArs And is now A theologiAn.. she thought i wAs A theologiAn, or hAd been a minister for yeArs. when i pointed out i wAs 22 she wAs amAzed how the spirit of god reveAled things to me, And wAs Amazed even more when i told her i never finished the 6th grAde And never went to college let alone bible college.. here she wAs taking Advice And instruction from me, An uneducated country boy who never finished 6th grAde.. then again i Am educAted.. the holy ghost wAs my teAcher. and he';s the best teAcher anyone could ever get... Am i off in any of my stAtements? let me know