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Everything posted by Skymage

  1. All my life I've been a very spiritual person, and also somewhat of a psychic. Of course that is not acceptable in any monothesic religions that I've come across. And I found the contradictions of the bible, an angry vengeful god in the old testement, versus a gentle loving god in the new testement, something I could not put my faith in. As I grew older and studied more I learned that, through my own ancestry, there were a class of Priests long before christianity came to northern europe. That was when i learned about Druidry. I joined an organization based in England called OBOD, or the Order of Bards, Ovates, and Druids. I took their correspondance course and was completely amazed at how this ancient spirituality, the worship of nature and the duality of the universe, felt so right in my heart and mind. Because I live in the US, belonging to this organization doesn't give me any rights as a priest or minister. When I found your organization I had found what I was looking for, a way to be legally ordained under my own belief system. I now have a small ministry where I teach the ways of my ancient ancestors. I have also learned, by tracing of the family tree, that it is very likely I am decendent of real Druids. My maiden name, Cady, means House of God in Gaelic. I have also taken some of the ULC courses, which have contributed to my understanding of all spirituality. I am very grateful that I found ULC.