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Everything posted by BrDevon

  1. I wish the folks that did the illustrations were around to telestrate my lectures when I was in school. Maybe I would have learned more. Classes are incredibly dry when you have to speechread your teachers all day. Bonus points when the lecturer paces and you have to read a moving target. I had a couple that used to go back and forth so often all one could think was "you are getting slee-e-e-py..."
  2. Some more to work on: male to disrobed in one letter change (four letter words, one replacement) bovine to swine in one letter change (three letter words, one replacement)
  3. Bluecat offered a fun challenge with the Quiz Question where we formed a list of words which are their own opposite. Here is a game we played in our English as a Second Language classes, and because this one is a bit harder, here are the rules: Take one word, change one or more letters, to get the resulting word. The only hint on each word is a one word definintion. The words are common. To make this round of the game more challenging, those guessing have to supply both words. The challenger will supply only the one word definitions and the number of letters altered from the first word. Each set will have something in common. The replaced letter(s) do not have to be in the first word, but both words will contain the same number of letters. Example: Delicious to Disgusting in one letter change (five letter words, one letter replacement). Answer: Tasty becomes Nasty. The T is replaced with an N. The common link is that both words are used to describe food. Ready to play? Secured to apart in two letter changes (six letter words - no replacements) Blouse to dress in one letter change (five letter words - one replacement) Poison to killed in one letter change (four letter words - one replacement)
  4. Okay, since I asnswered the question based on my known interpretation of what you were asking (yes, I speak English fluently), perhaps you would like to reword your question so I can answer what you wanted to know? My understanding was to imagine some benefactor offering me one million dollars and asking me what I would do with same. I would prove to that benefactor that the monies would be used to benefit those in need. If I took any profit at all from it, it might be to take housing on the site or to eat one of the meals I prepared and dine with those I was serving. Perhaps you were looking for the more traditional answer instead of the sincere one. Usually the question is phrased such as would you engage a prostitute for a million dollars? I would not. Not only would I not sacrifice my standards, I would fully expect anyone who would expect me to go so against my standards is also someone who I could never trust to come through with the funding, so I would lose not only the money, but my soul. Hardly a worthwhile investment. Better to give something that benefits humanity than go to my death benefiting none - including myself. But still, I say, anyone with a mil who wants to put me to the test need only send a PM.
  5. So using your example, if someone decides to run naked through the streets (if that would be what they would do) they can expect to be paid? You logic has a flaw there. You asked what I would do if offered a million dollars. I answered, in rather extensive detail. Sadly, I don't realistically expect to be offered that kind of money. Or were you offering?
  6. Not all investments have to be made in the stock market. There is also the matching grant circle, where funds are given to match or exceed a percentage already gotten for the foundation. Some parties are willing to invest in a project, and will fund a foundation but will ultimately want their investment monies back. So instead of taking a loan from the bank, one takes the donation, hopes to increase the return on that investment, and then return the original funding back to the grantor, less any additonal assets generated from wise investment of the gift funding. The risk in that last scenario is that the foundation is also obligated to return the loaned funds should they take a loss on that gift, so the money needs to come from other areas. This is where good planning, banking, and investing comes in. With enough money in reserve, it is easier to take that risk and ride out periods where the investment is not returning. When dealing with smaller sums of money and personal finance, it is difficult to do this. Also, buying abandoned spaces tends to be easier than buying places that are just empty and for lease/rent/sale. Most cities fear large abandoned spaces like a dead factory or mall, because they are havens for crime. Without proper security, if someone breaks in and squats the space, who would know? But if that squatter accidentally (or deliberately) sets the place afire, how much of the city's resources need to be tied up to control it? If someone is taking over the space, they are obligated to pay the taxes, utilities and so on. People make money, people benefit. Add the security, health care, education, and housing and many people benefit well. My idea is not really a new one, it is just a turning of older ideas to meet current needs. As long as supermarkets and restaurants are putting edible food in the dumpster, as long as people are working and sleeping on the streets while buildings are sitting idle and empty, something is seriously wrong. I have said it many times and I mean it, and I think Dorian can back me up here, having known me a while - if anyone or a group of people have the funding to make such a foundation possible, I would love to do the legwork necessary (obviously with help) to turn old commercial properties into community spaces that help get people off the street and into better living situations. We can be a positive change. In the meantime, I still give my gently worn clothing, bedding, towels and textiles to those in need each time I update my uniforms. At work, shirts need crisp collars and pants need to look sharp. On the street, one needs to be covered and decent and hopefully warm. I donate of my time to help those who have less than me. It is a small bit, but it is what I am able to give. If each of us gave even a portion of what we could spare, there would be countless people in better situations.
  7. Some members of the forum are time zones ahead, too.
  8. That was the what would I do for it. I would show the person willing to give me those funds that instead of prostituting myself or my values and wasting money on excesses that are unnecessary, I would turn around and better the life situation of those around me. Was was the benefit for me? If I can make life better for those around me, the question is what wasn't the benefit for me?
  9. I confess that is what makes me have a slight advantage in this game. Having a hearing loss and also using Sign Language and having taught English as a Second Language, I have learned to think in a hybrid of Sign and English and borrowed from the Sign culture of show me what you're saying, don't just tell me, so when I face a word like those in the game, there is a momentary pause if it is not obvious in context, where the mind says "what mean?" (Literal Sign Language) In my college years and shortly after, I worked as a copy editor in an effort to develop skill with written English.
  10. Okay... I was thinking more about it. If I had the money free and clear, I would hire my old boss from H&R Block (An enrolled agent who is a master at tax code and how to invest one's money for the best possibility of a positive return on the investment), then form a charitible foundation. From there, I would buy the now-abandoned mall where I used to work. There is over 2 linear miles of storefront that can be converted to shelter the homeless, put in a clinic for doctors and dentists, there is the old food court where folks could be fed, form an auxillary office for labor and training to have job search classes and assistance, convert a store or two into classroom space for the college across the street to have volunteers teach English as a Second Language, and other life skills classes (how to balance a checkbook, better shopping skills to maximize one's shopping money....). This lot would be ideal because it is on a busline on the main road to a major business hub, has a college across the street, and is still close enough to the capital city that all can be accessed by bus in half an hour or under. I have thought it sinful that this lot remains empty for no other reason than the owners (who own a major grocery chain) refuse to allow it to be developed to prevent a large company with a logo that looks like an asterisk from putting in a super store. Apparently, it would be best to just let the buidling rot. There are even job opportunities to be had - cleaning and maintaining the building, working the kitchens of the food court, security (could do it as an internship for the many schools that train security officers here), or the various offices that could be housed there. At the very least, I would want to see: Public transportation (already there) Secure housing for homeless Food for the hungry Resources to teach life skills and job skills Basic check ups and health care (There are medical offices and a hospital within 5 miles for folks who need more intensive care). I see the living spaces as open designed dorms, with cots separated by clinic curtains - not glamorous, but it provides a basic shade of privacy. The best part is that the layout of the building would allow the housing spaces to be set with men on one floor, women on another, and there are wings for the food and office space. There is one wing left over to house families so married couples would not need to be separated, but would not have to be housed in with the singles. (Yes, I have had over a year to think about how I would love to see this space used for the betterment of locals who so desparately need some help). My area is on the brink. I can barely name a person who is not living one paycheck (or less) away from a critical disaster. I am thankful that I have a roof over my head, because a year ago, I didn't. Homelessness is not just for "those people" or for druggies or the mentally unstable. There are many reasons one can lose access to good health care or housing and far too little is done to not only help the immediate need, but to provide long term solutions, such as finding new employment, developing educational skills, learning how to interview for a job, and so on. Well, for now it all remains a dream, but if I had the money, that would be the plan. The only thing left from there would be to take a small corner store front and turn it into a shared place of worship where area clergy could hold services for those who wished to attend. No one's faith would have a monopoly on the spot, but a rotating schedule would allow the space to be used for services or just quiet relection on the "down" times. No one would be required to attend, but it is there for those who seek. I think the time has come where we abandon the everyone has a private home model and start to embrace community housing with supportive resources. It is not a lifestyle for everyone, but it is less expensive to live as a community, and a far better option than the standard homeless shelter model or the streets.
  11. I'd love to have a serious offer so we can all find out.
  12. I love when servers at work do a beverage pass with a pot of coffee in one hand, a pitcher of juice in the other and proceed to pour hot coffee in a glass and juice in a coffee cup. Usually they figure it out when the resident looks at them and asks "which one of us has the mental problem?" I also love "ask the obvious" questions, like when someone orders toast and the very next question is "toasted?" Or one orders a steak, cooked well done and hears "how would you like that cooked?" I love ordering a burger and fries and being asked if I would like fries with that. I usually reply "The one I ordered should be enough, thanks." I usually get a glazed over look from the order taker, and a snicker from the manager. Today was a special moment for stupid: I saw a resident order some ice cream, to which the server replied "how would you like it cooked?" The resident was on the ball and politely replied, "frozen and in a dish would be best, I would think." I managed to get through the door to my unit before I busted up laughing.
  13. I just sent the PM. I'm thinking international rules apply to that entry.
  14. Possibly thought of another one: compound.
  15. I sent the answer to you in a PM... that way I don't spoil it for the folks playing at home.
  16. I shant give it away, but as a former copy editor, I enjoy words such as these. I would add the word several. Fit would be a possibility, depending on the rules of the game. Though if we are playing the stricter version, I would have to disqualify it. So as not to spoil the fun for others. I'll see what answers others come up with before I explain my answers and what makes each word a candidate (or not). I'll have to think some more to see if I can come up with other examples.
  17. The good news is the doctor has heard it before. The bad news is the doctor has heard it before.
  18. Sort of a lesser version of when Jesus died on the cross, and the veil rendered in two at the temple, no longer separating God from those who sought Him. It's not that I hold Kirby on the same regard that I do Jesus, but anyone or anything that brings people closer to their God(s) is a good thing to me. For those who don't believe in a deity, I guess there never was a problem.
  19. Way to go, Murph! Keep up the good work.
  20. Things I hear in the kitchen regularly: "Oh crud... it's limp." (Usually referrring to salad greens) "Beat that for me." (Hopefully something in the mixer) "Who wants to taste my meat?" (self explanatory, but still raises eyebrows) There are a few others, but they are a bit too "blue" for a nice forum, even if they only double entendre. And just remember: only in a kitchen can you fold an egg.
  21. I hope they make sure no one in the house is on life support apparatus first.
  22. There are a couple of different home organization companies that also go by that name. I guess that sounds better than Help for Hoarders. I remember the slogan in fifth grade: Death to the metric system! Kill a meter, kill a litre and kill a gram today!
  23. Ask and you shall receive: They also do custom work, so if what they show isn't quite what you had in mind, they might be able to design something more to your needs (according to their site).