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Everything posted by lammkb

  1. Sending prayers and healing energy your way
  2. Hi everyone Aaron is doing well. Still very sore he is only on a Clear liquid diet for 2 weeks. He goes back to the doctor April 9. Maybe he will let Aaron eat solids by then
  3. Aaron came home yesterday. He is very sore. he has a six inch incession from below his ribs to his belly button.
  4. Sorry it has taken so long to get back to everyone. Aaron was put in the hospital last Weds. He had surgery yesterday. They cut his esophagus so that food can pass through to his stomach it was an 1 3/4 hour long surgery he was in recovery room for 3 hrs. He had a rough night but hopefully he can come home in a few days. Thank you for all your prayers and healing thoughts.
  5. Hopefully we can get something going Weds. I'll update as soon as I can
  6. Aaron doesn't have a feeding tube thank goodness. At first they didn't know what his problem was and it took him going without food and liquid for a as long as 10-14 days before they would put him in hospital and botox that may last a month or two. Then it starts up up again. He goes Wed. to see another doctor to discuss what procedure to do. either balloon or surgery. I had to beg for that early appointment they wanted to put him off until the 28. It wasn't until I told him he hasn't been able to keep anything down for 5 days that they gave him Wed. appointment
  7. Hi everyone, I know its been a while since I have been here. My son Aaron has been very ill since March of last year (really before that) that is when his hospital stays started. Any way, tests are conclusive he has Achalasia and either dialation or surgery is needed. We are hoping for surgery its more permenant than dialation. The surgeon and DARS will decide. I am asking for prayers, to get this going he hasn't been able to keep food down for abt. 5 days now. He has been regurgitating food since before Christmas but he was able to keep some food down. Thanks Kathy
  8. Sending prayers and healing Energy From Below to Above, Flows Universal Love, Flows Universal Love, Happy Travels to the one happy_travels.doc
  9. The Historian by Elizabeth Kostova. It's boring, its a 642 pg book. I'm on pg 263. I had it for about a week. If it was good I would be through with it. I thought it would be good its about Dracula. I cant remember if it was 20/20 or 60 minutes that they did a piece on Dracula, the book and arthur.
  10. So sad, He was very talented man. He suffered so much. I believe he is now singing with the angels
  11. My son and his friend is going to the midnight showing Wed. They already have the tickets. I wanted to kick some serious behind when thay didn't get me a ticket.
  12. Right now Angels and Demons by Dan Brown. just finished Mother God and Secrets and Mysteries of the world by Sylvia Brown.
  13. I just started to read Sylvia Browne's Book of Angels.
  14. I have that book it has helped me interpret my dreams
  15. I am reading Answered Prayers Love letters from the Divine by Julia Cameron
  16. I am now trying to read Holy Blood, Holy Grail. Not an easy book to read.
  17. I am reading a book called THE MESSENGERS it was published in 1997. It is about a man name Nick Bunick who in a past life was the Apostle Paul. I think it is a very spiritual book. I was looking for a book in the Library and I asked my spirit guide to help me find a book and I looked up and I felt a pull toward it and now I am reading it. If anyone believes in reincarnation and would like to read about the life of Jeshua and Saul (Paul) then read this because Paul saids he has come back to right some wrongs and explain some things that are in the Bible.