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About PriestessAutumnPenn

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  • Title, Name/Nickname
    Autumn The Gray
  • Gender
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  • Location
    Indiana, USA

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  • Grateful For
    To many things to list. I haven't enough paper or pen.
  • Your Motto
    "To Thine Own Self Be True"--William Shakespeare.
  • Doctrine /Affiliation
    Eclectic Witchcraft

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  1. • The Successs Principles by Jack Canfield3. It’s time to determine how you feel and what your life is like now as opposed to how it was when you first started the program. What was the most important thing you learned? What are you taking away with you? Has your life changed? If so, how? Please send an essay talking about what you learned, didn't learn, wish you'd learned, how it changed your life, etc. and send it to with your current mailing address (just to verify). Is this the Submission Letter, please and thank you? I am sorry to be a bother. And be well.
  2. --My First Time Drying Sage-- I got my sage dried. It was an easier process than I had imagined. This is all the steps entailed. 1: I gathered the sage from my landlord's garden on the apartment grounds. 2: I thoroughly washed the sage. 3: I set the sage on a clean hand towel for about 8 hours. 4: I bound the sage together and hanged the sage from the rod for my delicate, air-dry clothing for approximately 2 weeks until dry. Now I intend to burn the sage in a beautiful seashell. Peace unto you. I hope you are faring well. --Priestess Autumn Penn
  3. II. The Clearing of People and of Places Via Music Research July 23, 2020 I am a Music Mage. Thus, I already have a ukulele; a digital keyboard; a wooden kazoo, a moon-shaped tambourine, a bronze ritual bell; and a simple frame drum. I decided to listen to YouTube samples of instruments I have always been curious about using but knew little about. I listened to sound samples of the following: the bullroarer; the 3-bell sistrum; the Conch Shell horn; ankle bells; and the tongue drum. I would like to try out most of these at some point with the exception of the bullroarer since I would need such a large amount of space in which to use it; it is not an indoor area instrument. Some I may attempt to make by hand, such as the 3-bell sistrum and the ankle bells. Thank you for your time and your listen. Be well. Priestess Autumn Penn
  4. I. The Clearing of Places & of People with Sage July 23, 2020 I prepared homemade Sage Water for the very first time during the full moon. This is how I went about the process below. 1 Picked the Sage. 2 Cleaned the Sage. 3 Put it into a clean glass jar. 4 Covered it in water. 5 Sat it in my windowsill the night of the full moon (June’s full moon). 6 Allowed it to sit for 3 nights & 3 days. 7 Strained out the Sage. 8 Poured the Sage Water into a clean, new spray bottle. 9 Have allowed friends to use it to cleanse any objects they are nervous over and I have chanted “Kyrie Eleison Christe Eleison” over such objects. 10 Kept it in my fridge in between uses to preserve it. I was unaware I was supposed to add sea salt. After reading my homework, I now am aware to add it next time. My landlord grows plenty of herbs on the property with Sage being one of them. Sometime soon, I will harvest some Sage after I research how to preserve it. Of course, since I am still a learner, I welcome constructive criticism. Thank you for your time and be well. --Priestess Autumn Penn
  5. Of course, I decided I was not quite ready for the spiked pole beneath my genitals and sitting still for a duration of 2 hours. Maybe one day with practice, I will be. Thank you for your time. Peace and blessings. --Priestess Autumn Penn
  6. Video has a bit of static in the background. I apologize for that. Thank you for your time. Peace and blessings. --Priestess Autumn Penn
  7. July 14, 2020 The further one delves into Spirituality, Mysticism, and Psychology, the less accessible she becomes on a PERSONAL level to those not on those such paths. It is true what is said: "Deep souls need deep souls." --Priestess Autumn Penn (Autumn the Gray)
  8. July 14, 2020 Shamanic methods I have tried that I have had success with include the following: the recitation of pre-set mantras in Sankrit/Hebrew/Latin and self-created music in Spanish and my own self- created language (an idiosyncratic tongue) to calm others when they are scared or nervous; singing at wakes to calm the grieving; the usage of power animals as protective guardians; using tarot cards for meditations; dream interpretation of my own dreams to assist myself in self-betterment and dream interpretation to assist others; cloud divination; the use of my dead kin as protectors; dancing myself into a trance to aid in both physical healing and emotional healing; coaching others in how to do shamanic dance; using the Warrior Dress & the Warrior Dance to protect myself the few times when I have had overt, dangerous human enemies; using reiki on myself when my physical ailment is severe by visualizing my power animals entering my body and consuming the pain and calming the chronic illness. For my Crohn’s, I like the Serpent and the Koi Fish. The Serpent for unbinding and the Koi Fish for soothing. I have not explored any other options yet. I am nervous about trying Reiki on another human. I think I will try it on my dog first. She is afraid of thunder and a few other loud noises. I will try it out on her before asking a friend if they are willing. I have not yet given long-distance healing a try; but, I will. I am still meditating on how to best succeed at this. Most of my friends are more prone to be reading; to be listening to music; or to be engaging in arts or crafts than to be watching the television; so, I am considering altering the visualization from imagining healing them via a tv screen to what caters best to them each as individuals. I think to heal people, one has to individualize as much as humanly possible. Thank for your time and your listen. I hope you are doing well. --Priestess Autumn Penn (Autumn the Gray)
  9. July 6, 2020 First off, I will admit I knew little about the fighting style of the Shaolin Monks prior to this assignment. I viewed “The Top Most Shocking Insane Shaolin Martial Monk Skills: Jaw-Dropping Skills” on YouTube to complete this assignment because the link attached to the lesson is now defunct. I discovered that within the practice of Shaolin Monk Kung Fu, there are 72 available skills to master; 36 available weapons to handle; and 2 animal movements to use. The video featured 10 of the 72 skills. The first of the 10 shown was The Inverse Handstand on One Index Finger; they train their fingers by finger-punching on trees. The second of the 10 was The Shattering of Glass with a Needle. The third of the 10 was The Impenetrable Skull which they develop by repeatedly hitting their skulls with a variety of hard objects until their skulls are unable to be even penetrated by drills. The fourth is The Squatting on Two Pillars Supported by Poles. A stake is placed beneath the genitals and the duration for this technique lasts for two hours. The fifth is known as Drunken Lila Skill; the monks feint drunkenness and hold onto their opponents and injury them. The sixth—Pricked by Multiple Spears. The seventh of the 10 is The Making of the Abdominal Muscles into a Suction Cup Able to Hold a Bowl. The eight—Lifting an Entire Table with Its Contents Solely with the Teeth. The ninth of the 10 is Smashing Stacked Boulders Merely with the Palm of One’s Hand. And lastly, The Smashing of Boulders Against the Head. What I believed to be humanly possible and impossible prior to this video did not change much because I know fire-eaters, contortionists, Black Belts, et cetera. What did change after watching and studying this video is what I believed to be humanly possible and impossible for me because I decided to safely attempt a few of these; video myself; post them to my Facebook page; and attempt to teach my supportive friends what I feel I learned from the Shaolin Monk Kung Fu YouTube video. I learned that when I told myself I could pick up a plate with my teeth on the first try and succeed that I did so. I learned that when I told myself I could figure out my own version of the Drunken Lila that I did. I learned that I could sit and stand up with a bowl atop my head when I told myself I was capable of doing such. I learned how much I have been holding myself back. I learned that The Law of Attraction is authentically powerful. Thank you for your time. Be well. ---Priestess Autumn Penn
  10. Yes, sir. I started with Wicca; but, then have been branching out into other traditions. What is Reiki like?
  11. July 23, 2020 Autumn Penn I attempted the blue sphere (blue bubble) as a protective barrier. I first tried to set it up, gradually, by building a blue shield atop me; a blue shield below me; a blue shield to the right of me; a blue shield to the left of me. Then, I visually added metal spikes on the outside of them. At that point, I mentally battled with the indecision of whether I should have outward facing mirrors set up inside or a black light to absorb any negativity (including my own anxiety). I sat in my black moon chair for what felt like an exceedingly long time and I told myself to figure it out quickly because I wanted to eat some baked chicken, asparagus, and some beets soon. Note to self: meditating while dinner is in the oven and smelling very delicious is motivating and may or may not be recommended. I began to frustrate myself so badly. The annoyance with myself ended up with me seeing myself standing up somehow holding a whip with a fireproof handle in my dominant hand at my Solar Plexus chakra area that snaked out into a blue flaming whip sphere that encircled my body. Done. LOL. Perhaps, I should frustrate myself more often. 😉 😊 I, actually, am happy with this. I feel this is the FIRST sitting meditation I have had success with. Now that I have it already visualized, I will be able to quickly recall it. I am now considering lighting candles of food scents I am medically restricted from eating prior to seated meditations. Caramel Brownie Delight, Lemon Pound Cake Supreme, Banana Daquiri Squeeze, and Peach Pie Aroma Bliss candles are only a dollar and the store a block down. I think the olfactory agitation will be motivating. LOL. In all honesty, now I see that physical hunger drives me to think faster. Thank you for your time once again. Constructive criticism is welcome. Love and peace to each of you. --Priestess Autumn Penn
  12. July 19, 2020 Autumn Penn Unfortunately, with everything happening in the world right now, I have not been able to find any friends free to act as the “receiver” or the “sender” for The Telepathy Exercises as of yet. However, my neighbor is willing to assist me next week. I am looking forward to these exercises. Peace and blessings to everyone. Thank you for your time. ---Priestess Autumn Penn