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religious discrimination
Frank76 replied to lordie's topic in Interpath Dialogue, Universal Virtues and Values
Any kind of discrimination is based on comfortable ignorance. People have a natural curiosity, but some people are so scared of that which is different, they cover them selves with willful ignorance and refuse to learn about it, choosing to simply label the different thing "bad". This also has the double effect of making their group automatically "good" by default. These people are dangerous. Their entire sense of self worth is based on someone else being a bad person so they can be the good person. They will automatically hate anything that is different. If they see a different religion , they will hate it, if they are in a society where the everyone has the same religion , they will hate a different skin color, if every one has the same skin color, they will hate a different political view, if there is only one political party they will hate a sexual orientation. They will seek out any minuscule difference in another person to hate them for it. It is an addiction. If they were in a closed room with their own clone, they would hate the other simply because it is not them. -
I think virtue is a means to an end - a tool used to get where you want to be. Vice is anything that takes you away from where you want to be. A virtue can a tool for spiritual growth, or social growth or personal growth. Any action that benefits you can be considered a virtue. Like I said before, an action can be virtuous, and take you where you want to be but can become a vice if continuing to do that action starts to take you away from your goal.
thanks. just being cautous. i'd hate to be excommunicated on my first day.
hi, I'm not an expert but i picked up a few things. 1. it is true that only a catholic priest can consecrate a host ( turning a host into the body of christ in catholic belief) 2. it is NOT true that only a priest can administer a host. The catholic church allows lay ministers and chaplains to take a consecrated host from a church to a sick person if that person cannot get to the church. These people are called Eucharistic ministers. They can be men or women, usually catholic, but non denominational chaplains can have dispensation to administer communion. check with your local catholic parish to see what arrangements can be made. 3. As for helping someone get into heaven- In Catholicism this is done not through communion but through confession also called reconciliation. Now it's kind of tricky, see breaking from god is a choice made by a person who sins, under the church teachings, God is always waiting for the person to ask forgivness. a Priest can hear a confession and grant absolution, the forgivness of sins, but that is only valid if the person is giving a sincere confession and intends to live a sin free life to the best of their ability, so if no sincerity, the absolution has no value. Only a Priest can grant absolution. There is a tradition of lay confession in the catholic church that goes back to the middle ages, but is not used in modern day but it is sometimes referenced in cases where a person is dying and no priest is available. a lay person cannot absolve sins. but the lay person can pray that god will absolve sins. all that is required is for the person to truly seek forgiveness and resolve to sin no more. the person may confess outloud, but it's not necessary. probably not even recommended, but if it helps the person there is no rule against it. and again the lay minister prays that god will absolve the sins. 4. you could also find a catholic blessing of the sick to administer that may give her some comfort. side note - in extreme circumstances any person can catholic baptism, even non catholics. Military chaplains have dispensation from the church to perform almost any catholic rite regardless of the chaplains religion. again not an expert, you should check with the local church or archdioses for all the information. hope this helps.
Hi again, So this is my own personal take on virtue , and i hope i don't offend anyone. I think of virtue as that which is good for the person. Usually we know theses personal goods from natural law. I have to kind of proviso that, because the nature of human is different from the nature of the others we share this universe with. and what is a personal good for humans isn't necessarily a personal good for other beings. i think virtues are like the health food of the soul. like any food - a certain amount of moderation needs to be practiced. in ancient Greek philosophy 4 virtues are prudence, justice, temperance, and courage. these are good helpful values for an individual, but it's especially meant to help a person be part of a society. People are meant to be part of a society, it's in our nature. so these ancient virtues demonstrate that. for example an individual living a hermit life would have little use for justice or courage in everyday life. with no one else around, justice is moot and actually courage can be a detriment in a solitary life, a hermit would be better served with self preservation over courage. but you know, humans are best in a social group, and the virtues reflect that. but that social nature can be come a vice when taken to extreme when service to society starts to outweigh the service of the individual. too much of a good thing is a bad thing. even virtues have to be used with temperence. In christianty, they use the 4 ancient greek virtues and 3 more - faith hope and love. again good for individuals, great in a social setting. bad if practiced beyond the point of reasonableness. as always - imho
I'm not a theologian. But I think any virtue can be a vice depending on the context. I think it may be possible for vices To be virtues. Any time a person is drawn toward something, that something should be examined for the potential of benefit or detriment. We call being drawn to benefit , inspired and being drawn to detriment temptation, but what is beneficial and what is detrimental can change depending on the context or circumstance. Thats what hat I think anyway.