The Texas Department of Criminal Justice Administrative Directive Number AD-03.42 (rev. 1); Date: July 28/2015; Page 1 of 10: Supersedes: AD-03.42 January 13, 2015
Subject: Offender Marriages; Authority: Tex. Fam. Code §§ 2.001-2.012, 2.202; Tex. Gov't code §§ 493.001, 493.006, 494.002; ED-02.04, "Texas Department of Criminal Justice Fundraising,: AD-03.72, "Offender Property;" TDCJ Visitation Plan; American Correctional Association Standards 4-4293 and 4-4498; Applicability: Texas Dept of Criminal Justice (TDCJ); Policy: Under Procedures: Section II; A Officiant ...shall complete the Application of Person Requesting to Perform Marriage (Attachment A) and submit it to the Access to Courts headquarters at least one week prior to the schedule marriage date.
What information is available regarding the subject matter?
What are the liability issues for "signing this agreement" for state facility and how does this document relate to "seperation of church and state"? Is the Officiates signature an agreement with the facility a part of the prisoners permanet file? Before, during and after ... what are the liabilty issues (pros and cons) for the officant and how does it effect the permanent record for the individual that is officiating? It has been observed by some individuals (names shall remain unknown) when a person has been incarcerated it is a part of their permanent record and if criminal activity does arise an offender is a suspect then the associates not excluding ministers. What kind of practical measures can be taken for risk management for the church, ministers, volunteers and members when relating to paroles and individuals that have been incarcerated?