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By way of an update, I just wanted to say that I have begun to work closely with two other Welsh deities. I am a polytheist, and there are many deities with whom I have worked. I remain amicable with Lludd and Rhiannon but have now taken Mabon and Modron as my primary deities. Mabon represents the God as the Divine Youth archetype and is a Celtic Apollo. Modron represents the Goddess as the Great Mother archetype, and I consider her a Celtic Demeter (among other roles). My changing is not mere capriciousness; I have my own reasons that I feel are significant Bendithion, Myrddin
Hello Jared, I am glad that you do not. I did not mean to imply that all did; that is why I had edited my comment to some. I have been practicing Wicca for about 29 years. I have run across some Wiccans who call themselves Priest and Priestess but do not understand what it is they are teaching. Those types seem to be all about power trips and pecking order. When I teach others I do not keep them in the dark, and I and explain the meaning behind what they were doing. For example, I would explain the significance of the S and $ on the pentacle and how they relate to other portions of Wiccan ritual. I would also explain their relation to Geburah and Gedulah. I fear that there are some out there (not all) who blindly perform rituals and are merely copying things they don't truly understand. When asked why or what things mean they either claim it is a secret or make up something inaccurate. You say you have a Scottish based path, and as mine is Welsh based I would expect differences. I generally work as a solitary (by choice), but if your core is based on Gardnerian/Alexandrian style Wicca then I would imagine that we would have much in common. Bendithion (Blessings), Myrddin
I wished to edit the last line in my above post, but too much time had passed. I am certain that there may be some Wiccans out there who claim to have important secret knowledge or hidden keys as a way of maintaining control over neophytes. It reminds of Aleister Crowley, referring to his tenure the Golden Dawn, remarking that he had to swear oaths not to reveal the Hebrew alphabet as if it were some powerful secret (although it was on public display at the British Museum and readily available to anyone who cared to look for it) Bendithion, Myrddin
There will be variations to different copies of the Book of Shadows because covens and individuals are supposed to add to it (and some detract from it, or change portions of it), But when Doreen Valiente authenticates the contents and states this is what the Gardnerian Book of Shadows was like at the time she was Gardner's High Priestess I tend to believe her. Many portions of the Book were actually written by her, such as the Charge of the Goddess.The whole point of the Farrars and Valiente presenting the Gardnerian Book of Shadows in print was because there were so many erroneous versions being circulated. After being copied and recopied numerous times it had become like a game of Chinese whispers. I am certain that there are Wiccans out there who claim to have secret knowledge or hidden keys as a way of maintaining control over neophytes. Bendithion, Myrddin
Happy Halloween Everybody! I'm a Welsh Witch celebrating the night as Nos Galan Gaeaf, but best wishes to everyone at this time whether you celebrate it as Samhain, Winter Nights, El Dia de Los Muertos, Christian All Hallows, or anything else Bendithion, Myrddin
Hello Archbishop Mike, I would certainly recommend both books you mentioned. They were both instrumental in my first becoming a Witch (back in the late 1980's). Buckland's Complete Book of Witchcraft is accessible for those just starting out but goes much further than most more recent introductory or "how to" books. A Witches' Bible by Janet and Stewart Farrar is a classic. It deals with some more complex aspects of Wicca. It is also important because it contains the Gardnerian Book of Shadows with commentary by Doreen Valiente who was Gerald Gardner's High Priestess and wrote important portions of it. Janet Farrar and Gavin Bone have written a book, Progressive Witchcraft (re-released as The Inner Mysteries) that makes a bridge between the more traditional form of Wicca/Witchcraft found in A Witches' Bible and the more progressive form of today's Witchcraft. It discusses how Wicca has become more Pagan and less Qabalistic as it has matured over the years. BTW, I corresponded with Janet Farrar recently and had a Tarot reading done by her. She was intelligent, insightful, compassionate, witty, and a true Elder of the Craft if there ever was one Nice to meet you Archbishop Mike Bendithion (blessings), Myrddin
Hello Shatta One, I congratulate you on your good fortune. I am happy you received the help you needed. Whether you received it from Satan, God, Cthulhu, or the Flying Spaghetti Monster, if it works for you then I am pleased for you. I would be interested to hear more about your beliefs. I am a Wiccan so Satan is really not part of my belief system, but I still like to hear how others view things Bendithion (blessings), Myrddin
I also wished to add that (in addition to being archetypes and the the embodiment of natural forces) I also believe that the gods are ancestors who are further along the path. Being further along the path, they may have a better vantage point. That is why they can serve as intermediaries between us and Arglwydd. In some ways, they are closer to the source than we are (currently). I do not mean to be confusing. I have a complex view of divinity with many layers of interpretation. It may seem as if I am contradicting myself at times but this is usually due to overlapping concepts being woven into a scheme that has it's own internal logic (at least it seems so to me). Also, my beliefs are subject to change based on new information and experiences. I will be happy to explain any specific questions as they arise Bendithion, Myrddin
I use the term "god" to refer to a spiritual entity (or Collective Unconscious archtype, thoughtform, egregore, or whatever other labels particular belief systems would employ) who functions as a guide rather than a commanding authority figure. My gods are not sitting enthroned on a summit threatening me with thunderbolts for displeasing them. I also possess an innate divinty myself (as do others). However I would disagree that all things are equal parts of the whole. I believe there are spiritual hierarchies, eg., the divine energy of a saint or bodhisattva contrasted with the divine energy of a murderer. While the murderer is imbued with a measure of divinity himself and could eventually become a saint, he does not possess the same measure of divinity while still a murderer. I believe there is a spiritual progression or path and not everyone is at the same point on the journey. I also believe the journey is not the same for everybody. I do believe that all things are imbued with divine energy, and they have the potential to make their respective journeys Bendithion, Myrddin
Because "Fred" or "Bob" doesn't seem as awe inspiring Why do we name cars and cell phones? It is just a convenient label. I was a psych. major in college, and I understand your reference. But I don't generally interact with my male deity as a patriarchal archetype. I usually interact with him as a brother/lover/friend archetype Bendithion (blessings), Myrddin
"I am not a Christian anymore, but this was on ongoing argument between my Baptist grandmother and my Pentecostal great aunt (which had been going on since before I was born). My grandmother believed once saved, always saved. My great aunt believed someone could backslide and lose his salvation. I asked my grandmother one time what if someone had been saved but years later committed cold-blooded murder. My grandmother's answer was that if someone was truly saved to begin with, then he would not murder someone in the future. So I guess, according to her, that someone didn't lose his salvation but may have not been actually saved to begin with. (Just because someone outwardly professed his salvation did not mean it inwardly took hold.) I don't know how a trained theologian would explain this; this was just my Southern grandmother's plain sense interpretation which was also the viewpoint of her fellow church goers. "Once (truly) saved, always saved." Bendithion, Myrddin
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Hello Key, I was using the terms king and pope as metaphors in an attempt to convey that there is no central authority for the Wiccan religion who is recognised by all of Its adherents. There are certainly leaders among various Wiccan groups or factions. And of course people may call themselves whatever they wish. But just because I dub myself Emperor of the Witches and buy a nifty box of business cards doesn't make it so BTW, I do realize that the Pope no longer speaks for all Christians and monarchs no longer have absolute authority over their subjects. As stated, I was speaking metaphorically and not literally. Sorry for the confusion. I hope this clears things up. But feel free to ask more questions if it doesn't Bendithion, Myrddin
Hello Gnostic Bishop, Faith is the major component, but I have had some personal experiences. No fire from the sky or earthquakes, just some things that have personal meaning. (Finding an extra quarter in my pocket so that I have enough change to buy a Coke ) I communicate with my deities through meditation, dreams, and divinatory methods such as the Tarot. The deity I refer to as Arglwydd (Lord) is not a personal god, but a force or energy. The deities with whom I interact on a personal level are guides and mentors not autocrats. They are assisting me in my spiritual path, not attempting to hinder me from living my life. They may make suggestions, but ultimately I am responsible for my own decisions. I revere my deities, but I am also divine myself. (We are all imbued with the energy of Arglwydd.) There is only one law for myself and most Wiccans, the Wiccan Rede: "An ye harm none, do what ye will." It is not a license to act indiscriminately but a reminder to consider the possible effects of your actions before doing them. Hope this has answered your questions BTW, I am speaking of my own practices, and other Wiccans may view things differently. I do not claim to speak for anyone other than myself. Despite occasional claims to the contrary, there are no Witch Kings or Wiccan Popes Bendithion, Myrddin
Today is the astronomical first day of autumn (autumn equinox) and the Wiccan Sabbat of Mabon. Here's wishing everyone a wonderful day. This is my favorite time of year, from Mabon to Calan Gaeaf/Samhaim (Halloween) Bendithion, Myrddin