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About GregNJ

Helpful Information

  • Title, Name/Nickname
    Rev Greg
  • Gender
  • Marital Status
  • Location
    New Jersey

Friendly Details

  • Interests
    Interested in the power of religion to enhance our own lives & our community
  • Grateful For
    Freedom to seek joy without force.
  • Your Motto
    Freedom of Religion - is great
  • Doctrine /Affiliation
    Universal Life Church (Modesto)

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  1. Hi Rev Sam, Welcome! I was curious how reverends get their ideas for wedding services, and readings (especially for a non-Christian couple). Do you have any books or references you use for marriages or other religious services? I've never performed a public wedding or religious service and I"m looking for ideas. Have a good weekend!
  2. I appreciate & respect “live” actors/musicians more than filmed ones because they only get 1 chance to get their lines correct or incorrect. It amazes me to see people who can dance, play instruments and do stunts ‘live’. Unfortunately, the cost of live performances can be prohibitive BTW- I always like watching “Les Miserables” on PBS, which is a stage performance. Also “Scrooge” (1973) with Albert Finney seems more like a play than a movie to me.
  3. Greetings and welcome to the forum! May you find everything you expect and a bit more. Blessings of Peace, Al