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About RevBMc

  • Birthday 09/16/1959

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  • Doctrine /Affiliation
    Liturgical Christianity (Anglican)

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New Member (2/17)

  1. Welcome to the forum! We're pleased you decided to join our growing family of friends and ever so look forward to getting to know you. We're always happy to have new perspectives that give us all something to ponder. Blessings of Peace, Al

  2. Thanks Fawzo. Better now than later. Besides I have this feeling that Someone was giving some people the chance to do the right thing and they didn't. Oh, well. That's them and not me. I do what I feel led to do, and that's all I can do. Yeah, sometimes we have to be like St. John the Baptist and approach people the way God leads us, not man. I have nothing against organized religion, except as it works against the One(s) it professes to believe in. Remember, we are all on a journey. Sometimes we wonder in the forest a bit before we find our way. I did. Peace.
  3. I was first ordained over 25 years ago as a Deacon by 11 Deacons and one Pastor by laying-on of hands in a Southern Baptist Church, but was later asked to leave because they found out I wasn't "their kind of people", that is mixed race even though passable as White. My next spiritual experience was in the Episcopal Church where again I was trained to be a Deacon and Priest, but no go again. I was allowed to assist Priests with liturgy including the Eucharist, but not to be ordained. Off and on for 30 years I was a Lay Eucharistic Minister, doing everything but confecting the Sacrament, even though I had been trained to do so. After my wife and I moved to be with her mother, I found the local Episcopal Churches had no need of my "special training", so I joined my mother-in-law at her church. The ULC ordination and degrees (M. in R., and D.Div.) helped me to accepted that I could follow my calling my own way without the "recognition/ permission" of mainline established Christian Churches. I'm still a Christian, but on my own terms as I feel guided by my God, as I understand him. I don't have to let others limit me based on arbitrary standards or personalities or politics. I can follow the Calling I've had since I was baptized at 15 years old. At 54 I may be late getting there, but I'm there. Thank you, ULC.