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About Gryffythe

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  1. I'm sure everyone is already familiar with the Wiccan Rede, but here it is again, being the main part of my philosophy: The Wiccan Rede Bide the Wiccan law ye must, In perfect love and perfect trust, Eight words the Wiccan Rede fulfill, "An ye harm none, do what ye will," Lest in thy defense it be, Ever mind the Rule of Three, Follow this with mind and heart, For merry we meet and merry we part. And meet again... (Author of this verision unknown)
  2. Hi Rev. Rattlesnake, Nothing too elaborate. I light a few candles, toast the Gods with cakes and ale (actually Little Debbies and juice ), listen to some traditional Celtic music, and read a little from the Fourth Branch of the Mabinogion (the one that pertains to Lleu or Lugh). And to Pete, Diolch yn fawr ! For the record, I am not from Wales, but I am an American of Welsh descent. My knowledge of Welsh is only at a self-taught conversational level, although I have a better understanding of Welsh terms found in mythology and folklore after years of following a Welsh path. At some point before I die, I would love to visit Wales (and Ireland too), almost as a sacred pilgrimage of sorts to see from whence my ancestors came and where the ancient myths took place. Hello Kingfisher, I too am looking forward to Nos Galan Gaeaf / Samhain this year, especially since I am taking a two week vacation from work at that time
  3. Thank you! In my tradition (Welsh) we call it Nos Galan Awst (the eve of the Calends of August) or Lughnasadh (the assembly of Lugh) to the Gaelic oriented Pagans. In any case, I also hope everyone has a happy one
  4. Welcome to the forum! It is our sincerest wish that you find the Peace and Happiness we all do in sharing our diverse Beliefs. We hope you'll find your way around through the many topics of your interest. Should you have any questions or help, please do not hesitate to ask. Blessings of Peace, Al